Psychology of Religion
St. Xavier University, Chicago Illinois
Spring 1997 Semester
Instructor: David P. Smith
Week 1 (January 30, 1997)
Expectations about ³Psychology² and
³Religion²/definition of terms-Handouts
Background and approach of course
Class exercise: the Religious Experience Profile
Week 2 (February, 06, 1997)
Science and Religion-How We Know.
Wells, The Definition of Religion (in packet)
Goldstein, What is Science? (in packet)
Sagan, Ch. 10 and 12 from The Demon-Haunted World (in packet)
Week 3 (February, 13, 1997)
Interpretive Approaches to the Study of Religion
Paden, Interpreting the Sacred, Ch.1, 2, 7 and 8 (in packet
Week 4 (February, 20 , 1997)
Overview of the Psychology of Religion
Biet-Hallahmi, ³The Psychology of Religion² pp. 1-61
Week 5 (February, 27, 19977)
Sigmund Freud and the Psychoanalytic Tradition
Goodenough, What is Religion? (in packet)
Freud, Future of an Illusion, Ch. 1-5
Week 6 (March, 06, 1997)
Critiques of Freud
Freud, Future of an Illusion, Ch. 5-10
Week 7 (March, 13, 1997)
Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung
Jung, Psychology and Religion pp. 1-65
Week 8 (March, 20 , 1997)
Carl G. Jung and the Analytic Tradition
Jung, Psychology and religion pp. 66-135
Wallace, Religion: An Anthropological View, pp. 13-31
Week 9 (April 3, 1997)
MIDTERM 7-10 pages
American Psychology of Religion
James,Varities of Religious Experience Lectures.1-3
excerpts from Lectures 4-10
Week 10 (April 10, 1997)
James and Pragmatic Approaches to Religion
James, Varities of Religious Experience Lectures.19 and 20
Week 11(April 17, 1997)
Humanistic Psychology and Religion
Allport, G. W., The individual and his religion. Ch. 1-3
Week 12 (April 24, 1997)
Influence of Allport on Empirical Studies of Religion
Allport, G. W., The individual and his religion. Ch. 3-6
Week 13 (May 01, 1997)
Physiology and Personality of Religion
Winkelman, Trance States (in packet)
Batson,Schoenrade and Ventis. ch. 5 and 6. (in packet
Week14 (May 08, 1997)
Humanistic to Transpersonal Perspectives in Psychology
Maslow, A. H. , Religions, values and peak experiences. Ch. 1-8
Week 15 (May 15, 1997)
Contemporary Research and Trends
Meadow, "Current and Emerging Themes in the Psychology of
Religion"(in packet)
Batson, "An Agenda Item for Psychology of Religion: Getting
Respect" (in packet
Week 16 (May 22, 1997)
FINAL-Research paper due (15-20 pages)
Review and Questions
The course schedule is subject to some modification. Documentary
videos and guest lecturers will be incorporated into the curriculum.
Required Texts:
- Course Packet, selected readings from sundry sources
- Allport, G. W. (1950). The Individual and His Religion. New York:
- Freud, S. (1927). Future of an Illusion, Standard Edition, (Vol. 21, pp.
3-57). London.
- James, W. (1902/1985). The Varieties of Religious Experience.
Cambridge:MA: HarvardUniversity.
- Jung, C. G. (1938). Psychology and Religion. (Vol. 10). New Haven: Yale
University Press.
- Maslow, A. H. (1976). Religions, values and peak experiences. New York: VikingPenguin.
Suggested References for Study and Research:
- Adler, M. C. and V. Doren (1972). How to Read a Book. New York: Simon
and Schuster.
- Booth, W. C. (1996). The Craft of Research. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
- Edwards, P. (1972). The encyclopedia of philosophy (vol. 7, 1-27). New
York: Macmillan.
- Eliade, M. (1987). The encyclopedia of religion (vol. 12, 159-165). New
York: Macmillan.
- Reese, W. L., Ed. (1980). Dictionary of philosophy and religion: Eastern
and western thought. p. 347. Princeton, NJ: Humanities Press.
- Smith, J. Z., Ed. (1995). The Harper-Collins dictionary of religion. San
Francisco: Harper.
- Strunk, W. and E. B. White (1979). The Elements of Style. New York:
Macmillan Publishing.
- Williams, J. M. (1990). Style: Toward Clarity and Grace. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
- Zinsser, W. (1985). On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing
Nonfiction. (Third ed.). New York: Harper & Row.
References and suggested readings and resources for the psychology of
- Allport, G.W., & Ross, J.M.. (1967). Personal religious orientation
and prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 5,
- Batson, C. D., & Ventis, W. L. (1982). The religious experience: A
social psychological perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Batson, C. D., Schoenrade, P., & Ventis, W. L. (1993). Religion and
the individual: A social psychological perspective. New York: Oxford
University Press.
- Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin, (1981). Psychology and religion. In M.
- Bornstein, Ed., Psychology in Relation to Allied Disciplines. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Benson, J. E. (1974). What is the church to make of psycholgy? A Journal
of Theology, 13(2), 97-103.
- Bergin, A. E. (1980). Psychotherapy and religious values. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48, 95-105.
- Bergin, A. E., & Garfield, S. L. (1994). Handbook of psychotherapy
and behavior change (4th edition). New York: John Wiley.
- Bergin, A. E., & Jensen, J. A. (1990). Religiosity of
psychotherapists: A national survey. Psychotherapy, 27, 3-7.
- Bernstein, R. (1983). Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science,
- Hermeneutics, and Praxis. Philedelpjia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Bollinger, R. A. (1985). Differences between pastoral counseling and
psychotherapy. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 49(4), 371-386.
- Coles, R. (1990). Spiritual life of children. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Erikson, E. (1958). Young Man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and
History. New York: W.W. Norton.
- Erikson, E. (1959). Identity and the life cycle: Selected papers. New
York: International Universities Press.
- Feldman, K. A. (1969). Change and stability of religious orientations
during college. In H. N. Malony, Ed., Current perspectives in the
psychology of religion. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing.
- Fiske, D. W. a. R. A. Shweder. (Ed.). (1986). Metatheory in Social
science: Pluralisms and subjectivities. chicago: University of Chicago
- Frank, J. D. (1973). Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative study of
Psychotherapy. New York: Schocken Books.
- Freud, S. (1912-1913). Totem and Taboo. In Standard Edition (pp. 9-55).
London: Hogarth Press.
- Freud, S. (1927). Future of an Illusion. In Standard Edition (pp. 3-57).
- Freud, S. (1930). Civilization and its Discontents. In Standard Edition
(pp. 3-57). London: Hogarth Press.
- Freud, S. (1933). New Introductory Lectures. In Standard Edition (pp.
238-49). London: HogarthPress.
- Freud, S. (1961). The future of an illusion. New York: Norton.
- Fromm, E. (1950) Psychoanalysis and religion. New Haven: Yale University
- Ganje-Fling, M. A., & McCarthy, P. R. (1991). A comparative analysis
of spiritual direction and psychotherapy. Journal of Psychology and
Theology, 19(1), 103-117.
- Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic
- Hall, G. S. (1904). Adolescence: Its psychology and its relations to
physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion, and education
(2 Vols.). New York: Appleton.
- Hoge, D., & Petrillo, G. (1978). Development of religious thinking
in adolescence: A test of Goldman's theories. Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion, 17, 139-154.
- Homans, P. (1970). Theology after Freud: An interpretive inquiry. New
York: Bobbs-Merrill.
- Homans, P. (1991). The ability to mourn. Chicago: University of Chicago
- Hover, M. (1984). The role of CPE in medical education. Journal of
Pastoral Care, 38(3), 226-232.
- Jackle, C. (1973). What's psychotherapy: what's pastoral? Journal of
Pastoral Care, 27(3), 174-177.
- James, W. (1929). The varieties of religious experience. New York:
Random House.
- Jorjorian, A. D. (1972). Reflections upon and definitions of pastoral
counseling. Pastoral Psychology, 23(224), 7-15.
- Jung, C. (1938). Psychology and religion. New Haven: Yale University
- Jung, C. (1971). Stages of Life. In J. Cmpbell (Eds.), The Portable Jung
New York: Penguin Books.
- Jung, C. G. (1948). A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the
Trinity. In R. F. C. Hull (Eds.), Psychology and Religion: West and East
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Jung, C. G. (1957). The Undiscovered Self. In R. F. C. \Hull (Eds.),
- Civilization in Transition Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Kakar, S. (1982). Shamans, Mystics and Doctors:A Psychological Inquiry
into India and its Healing Traditions. Boston: Beacon Press.
- Kiev, A. (1964). Magic, Faith and Healing. New York: Free Press.
- Leuba, J. H. (1912). The psychological study of religion: Its origin,
function, and future. New York: Macmillan.
- Leuba, J. H. (1916). The belief in God and immortality. Boston: Sherman,
- Luckmann, T. (1967). The invisible religion. New York: MacMillan.
- Malony, H. Newton (1991). Psychology of Religion: Personalities,
Problems, Possibilities. Grand Rapids: Michigan.
- Mumford, M., Snell, A., & Hein, M. (1993). Varieties of religious
experience: Continuity and change in religious involvement. Journal of
Personality, 61, 289-293.
- Prince, R., & Savage, C. (1972). Mystical states and the concept of
regression. In John White, Ed., The highest state of consciousness.
Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday Anchor.
- Regan, C., Malony, H. N., & Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1980). Psychologists
and religion: Professional factors and personal belief. Review of
Religious Research, 21, 208-217.
- Rychlak, J.F. (1981). A philosophy of science for personality theory
(2nd ed.) Malabar,Fla:Krieger.
- Samuels, A. (1986). Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis. New York:
Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- Schleiermacher, F. (1991). On religion: Speeches to its cultured
despisers (trans. R. Crofter). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Shafranske, E.P. (1996). Religion and the Clinical Practice of
- Psychology. Washington,DC : American Psychological Association
- Shafranske, E.P., & Malony, H.N. (1990). Clinical
psychologists¹ religious and spiritual orientations and their
practice of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 27, 72-78.
- Shweder, R. (1990). Thinking Through Cultures. New York: Cambridge
Univ. Press
- Smith, J. Z., Ed. (1995). The Harper-Collins dictionary of religion. San
Francisco: Harper.
- Starbuck, E. D. (1899). Psychology of religion. New York: Scribner's.
- Torrey, E. F. (1986). Witchdoctors and Psychiatrists. Harper and Row.
- Turner, V. (1969). The Ritual Process. Ithica,New York: Cornell
University Press.
- Wallace, Anthon F. C. 1966. Religion: An Anthropological View New York:
Random House.
- White, John (1972) Ed. The highest state of consciousness. Garden City,
N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor.
- Worthington, E. L. (1986). Religious counseling: A review of published
empirical research. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64(7),
- Wulff, D. M. (1991). Psychology of religion: Classic and contemporary
views. New York: John Wiley.
- Wuthnow, R. (1985). Science and the sacred. In P. E. Hammond, ed., The
sacred in a secular age. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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