History and Systems of Psychology and Integration
General Information: | |
Course Number: PSYC 711 | Instructor: Trey M. Buchanan, Ph.D. |
Semester: Fall 1996 | Office: BGC M259 |
Time: Thursday, 1:15-4:50 | Phone: 752-5753 |
Location: BGC M229 | E-mail: Trey.Buchanan@Wheaton.edu |
This course provides an opportunity to study the historical development of psychology as in its proper and broadest context: as an exemplar of human thought which connects to virtually all other ways and content areas of human knowing. To properly understand psychology as a field-and clinical psychology as an applied sub-discipline-the scholar must understand what it means for the discipline to call itself a science. The nature and meaning of science has a rich history, and recently philosophers of science have begun to redefine what science is and how it should work. The initial weeks of this course will focus on our understandings of science and in what ways psychology meets (or fails to meet) our expectations of a science.
Such a philosophy of science approach will show that particular approaches to psychology are in part expressions or extensions of certain background beliefs that form the context of all human knowing, beliefs which are ours by virtue of our participation in particular human communities. As members of the community of scholars and practitioners in psychology, we will explore the history and dominant approaches that have influenced our field. Although there is not a single, definitive history of psychology, in the second part of this course we will survey the major movements, events, and players in the historical development of modern scientific psychology in Europe and America. In addition, we will pay special attention to the role religious faith has played in the history of psychology.
Last, as members of the Christian
community, we will explore together the implications of our Christian commitments
and understandings for our study of the field of psychology. For the sake
of the integrity in our intellectual pursuits, the integration of Christian
faith with the study of the discipline of psychology will be a major focus
throughout the course. The activity of relating faith to scholarship is
the general purpose for the existence of this graduate program and the
Graduate School. We hope in this course to facilitate your effective and
responsible involvement in the integration task. There are no definitive,
sure-fire ways to do integration; thus the course will be a time for us
to explore together what this ambiguous task of integration really is.
Class Sessions:
Each class session will primarily
focus on discussing the readings assigned for that week. Run in a seminar
format, each of us is responsible for adding to the quality of our discussions,
although I will try to guide their structure and content. Each week you
will be given a series of discussion question to help focus your reading;
these questions will be the primary source of our class discussions. Because
of the length of our class sessions, each will contain several breaks;
I'll try not to go move than 90 minutes with our giving ourselves a chance
to stretch our legs and brains.
Required Texts:
Below are listed the books required
for this course. Half of the books for this semester will be new to the
course (i.e., the titles by Cushman, Placher, and Toulmin, and a new edition
of Fancher's book); the remaining two been used in the course over the
last three years. If purchasing all six books seems daunting to you, I
would encourage you to find someone who has taken the course in the past
willing to loan you a copy of either Evans (1989) or Gay (1989).
Cushman, P. (1995). Constructing the self, constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy. New York: Addison-Wesley.
Evans, C. S. (1989). Wisdom and humanness in psychology. Grand Rapids: Baker.
Fancher, R. E. (1996). Pioneers of psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Norton.
Gay, P. (Ed.) (1989). The Freud reader. New York: Norton.
Placher, W. C. (1989). Unapologetic theology. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox.
Toulmin, S. (1990). Cosmopolis:
The hidden agenda of modernity. New York: Free Press.
As supplements to these books, there
will be two volumes of photocopied readings you will need to purchase.
We will use Volume 1 during the first five weeks of class and Volume 2
throughout the remainder of the semester. Please note that Volume 2 will
not be available until sometime in the middle of September. I will try
to have copies of just about everything-books and articles-accessible in
the new Psy.D. reading room.
Course Examinations and Grading:
There will be three major graded assignments in PSYC 711. The first will be a 2500 word, APA style essay covering the first five weeks of material in the course. The topic will be a comparison of science, religion, and psychology, including their purposes, methods, and subject matter. This paper will be worth 30% of your grade and will be due Monday, October 14.
The second assignment will be a take-home exam on the Historical and Theoretical Perspectives section of the course. It will have two parts, short answer and essay, and will be due Monday, November 18. At the beginning of Part II of the course, you will receive a handout of sample questions from previous exams as study aids.
The third major grade in this course will be based upon a 2500 word, APA style review essay of Philip Cushman's Constructing the Self, Constructing America (1995) in which you articulate the ways in which your vision of an integrated psychology 1) compares to the historical American cultural selves described by Cushman, and 2) offers possible alternatives to traditional psychotherapies. It will be due Wednesday, December 18.
Final grades in PSYC 711 will be
determined by the median letter-grade of the three assignments described
above. All assignments will be grade according to the Graduate School's
grading scale (see 1996-1997 InForm).
Course Calendar
Sept. 5
Week 1 |
Overview and
"You're doing what?" Guest discussant: Stanton L. Jones, Ph.D. (Provost, Wheaton College) |
Jones (1994)
Comments on Jones (1994): Hoshmand (1995), Cox (1995), Aguinis & Aguinis (1995), Ward (1995), Weiss (1995), Jones (1995) |
Sept 12
Week 2 |
Philosophy of science I: (Re)Understanding the nature of science | Placher (1989), Ch. 1-3
Noll (1990) |
Sept 19
Week 3 |
of science II:
The relation of science and religion Guest discussant: Scott H. Moore, Ph.D. (Dept. of Philosophy, Baylor University) |
Placher (1989)-Ch. 4-10 | |
Sept 26
Week 4 |
of science III:
The special case of the human sciences |
Evans (1989)
Kuhn (1991) Gadamer (1995) Roberts (1993) |
Oct. 3
Week 5 |
of science IV:
Implications for clinical psychology |
O'Donahue (1989)
Jones & Butman (1991)-Ch. 1, 2, 15, 16 Johnson (1993) |
Oct. 10
Week 6 Oct. 14 |
The history
of psychology?
Sources of modern psychology I:
Enlightenment philosophy Paper 1 due Monday, 5:00 P.M. |
Hilgard, Leary, &
McGuire (1991)
Fancher (1990)-Ch. 1-2 Toulmin (1990)-Ch. 1-2 |
Oct. 17
Week 7 |
Sources of
modern psychology II:
The natural science |
Fancher (1990)-Ch. 3-5
Toulmin (1990)-Ch. 3 |
Oct. 24
Week 8 |
Sigmund Freud
and psychoanalysis
Video: Freud under analysis (NOVA) |
Fancher (1990)-Ch. 10-11
selections from Gay (1989) |
Oct. 31
Week 9 |
The American
Dream (v .1):
Scientific psychology and technology |
Fancher (1990)-Ch. 6-7,
Toulmin (1990)-Ch. 4 |
Nov. 7
Week 10 |
The American
Dream (v .2):
William James and the study of human experience
Fancher (1990)-Ch. 8
Toulmin (1990)-Ch. 5 James (1890/1983) Leary (1992) |
Nov. 14
Week 11 Nov. 18 |
No Class
Part II Take-home exam due Monday by 5:00 P.M. |
Nov. 21
Week 12 |
The American
Dream (v .3):
Psychotherapy, the impossible bridge |
Cushman (1995)-Ch. 1-5 | |
Nov 28 | No Class-Thanksgiving Break | ||
Dec. 5
Week 13 |
The Path of Psychotherapy in the 20th Century | Cushman (1995)-Ch. 6-8 | |
Dec. 12
Week 14 |
Psychotherapy Now: The Moral, Political, and Theological Self | Cushman (1995)-Ch. 9-10, Appendix | |
Dec. 18 |
Paper #2 dueWednesday by 5:00 P.M. |
Reading Packet for PSYC 711 (Vol. 1)
Fall 1996
Table of Contents
PSYC 711 Syllabus
Guide to the Freeway System of
the History of Psychology (1989, Unpublished drawing by David Devonis,
Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of New Hampshire)
Week 1
Jones, S. L. (1994). A constructive
relationship for religion with the science and profession of psychology:
Perhaps the boldest model yet. American Psychologist, 49,
Hoshmand, L. T. (1995). Psychology's ethics of belief. American Psychologist, 50, 540-541.
Cox, B. L. (1995). Belief versus
faith. American Psychologist, 50, 541.
Aguinis, H., & Aguinis, M. (1995).
Integrating psychological science and religion. American Psychologist,
50, 541-542.
Ward, L. C. (1995). Religion and
science are mutually exclusive. American Psychologist, 50,
Weiss, A. S. (1995). Can religion be used as a science in psychotherapy? American Psychologist, 50, 543-544.
Jones, S. L. (1995). Psychology
and religion. American Psychologist, 50, 545.
Week 2
Noll, M. A. (1990). Traditional
Christianity and the possibility of historical knowledge. Christian
Scholar's Review, 20, 388-406.
Week 4
Kuhn, T. S. (1991). The natural
and the human sciences. In D. R. Hilley, J. F. Bohman, & R. Shusterman
(Ed.), The interpretive turn: Philosophy, science, culture (pp.
17-24). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Gadamer, H.-G. (1995). Truth in
the human sciences. In B. Wachterhauser (Trans. & Ed.), Hermeneutics
and truth (pp. 25-32). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Roberts, R. C. (1993). Parameters
of a Christian psychology. Unpublished manuscript, Wheaton College,
Wheaton, IL.
Week 5
Johnson, E. L. (1993). The place
for the Bible within psychological science. Journal of Psychology and
Theology, 20, 346-355.
O'Donahue, W. (1989). The (even) bolder model: The clinical psychologist as metaphysician-scientist-practitioner. American Psychologist, 44, 1460-1468.
© 1996 Trey M. Buchanan, used with permission
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