Review of Religious Research
Review of Religious Research publishes research on religion from a variety of
social-scientific perspectives.
It typically emphasizes research that may be applied to religious institutions.
They also publish reviews of books, but I have chosen to list
here only original articles, beginning with volume 21. Michael Donahue helped to make this list available. Thanks, Michael.
1979, Volume 21, Number 1
- Theorizing, policy making, and the critique of Europeanism.
Lemert, Charles C., 3-23, 21, 1
- The comparative implications of functional and conflict
theory as theoretical frameworks for religious research and
religious decision-making
Neal, Marie Augusta, 24-50, 21, 1
- Passive voice theories in religious sociology.
Douglas, Mary, 51-61, 21, 1
- Cultural hero systems and religious beliefs: The ideal-real
social science of Ernest Becker.
Scimecca, Joseph A., 62-70, 21, 1
- The sustainable society: Religious and social implications.
Stivers, Robert L., 71-86, 21, 1
- A proposal for political ethics.
Winter, Gibson, 87-107, 21, 1
- A comment on Pilarzyk's article "The origin, development and
decline of a youth culture religion"(RRR, Fall 1978)
Nelson, G. K., 108-109, 21, 1
- The cultic resilience of the Divine Light Mission: A reply to
Pilarzyk, Thomas, 109-112, 21, 1
1979, Volume 21, Number 2
- Religion and marital instability: Change in the 1970s?
Shrum, Wesley, 135-147, 21, 2
- Religiosity and death anxiety: A multi-dimensional analysis.
Nelson, L. D., Cantrell, C. H., 148-157, 21, 2
- A reexamination of the antecedents of apostasy.
Hunsberger, Bruce, 158-170, 21, 2
- Inconsistency of beliefs in the existence of heaven and
Hertel, Bradley R., 171-183, 21, 2
- Social legitimacy, dogmatism, and the evaluation of intense
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., 184-194, 21, 2
- Gender differences in the description of erotic and mystical
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Hall, James R., 195-207, 21, 2
- Psychologists and religion: Professional factors and personal
Ragan, Claude, Malony, H. Newton, Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin,
208-217, 21, 2
- Research models and pedagogical paradigms in psychology of
Capps, Donald, 218-227, 21, 2
1980, Volume 21, Number 3
- Religion and the rhetoric of the mass media.
Hart, Rodrick P., Turner, Kathleen J., Knupp, Ralph E., 256-275,
21, 3
- Denominational biases in the American press.
Ferre, John P., 276-283, 21, 3
- Meaning and belonging in a charismatic congregation: An
investigation into sources of neo-Pentecostal success.
McGaw, Douglas B., 284-301, 21, 3
- Conservatism and social strength in a liberal denomination.
Hadaway, C. Kirk, 302-314, 21, 3
- A test of theories of Protestant church participation and
Hoge, Dean R., Polk, David T., 315-329, 21, 3
- An economic analysis of religious choice.
Redman, Barbara J., 330-342, 21, 3
- Clergy and funeral directors: An exploration in role conflict
Bradfield, Cecil D., Myers, R. Ann, 343-350, 21, 3
- Interpersonal needs, counselor style, and personality change
among seminarians during the 1970s.
Pino, Christopher J., 351-367, 21, 3
1980, Volume 21, Number 4
- Toward a typology of unchurched Protestants.
Perry, Everett L., Davis, James H., Doyle, Ruth T., Dyble, John
E., 388-404, 21, 4
- Church involvement in America: Social factors affecting
membership and participation.
Roof, Wade Clark, Hoge, Dean R., 405-426, 21, 4
- Church dropouts: Changing patterns of disengagement and
Roozen, David A., 451-461, 21, 4
- Denominational switching and religiosity.
Hadaway, Chistopher Kirk, 451-461, 21, 4
- A research note on the sources of adult church commitment
among those who were regular attenders during childhood.
O'Hara, John P., 462-467, 21, 4
- Response: Why some people might go back to church.
Walrath, Douglas, 468-475, 21, 4
1980, Volume 22, Number 1
- Prophetic vs. priestly religion: The changing role of women
clergy in classical Pentecostal churches.
Barfoot, Charles H., Sheppard, Gerald T., 2-17, 22, 1
- Placement of men and women in the ministry.
Lehman, Edward C., Jr, 18-40, 22, 1
- The Word of God and the words of the preacher.
Avery, William O., Gobbel, A. Roger, 41-53, 22, 1
- Effects of sermons among lay Catholics, The: An exploratory
Newman, William M., Wright, Stuart A., 54-59, 22, 1
- Scale on preaching style, A: Hortatory vs interactive
Maguire, James T., 60-65, 22, 1
- H. Paul Douglas: His perspective and his work.
Hadden, Jeffrey K., 66-88, 22, 1
1980, Volume 22, Number 2
- Sectarian tension.
Bainbridge, William Sims, Stark, Rodney, 105-124, 22, 2
- Voluntary association and civil religion: The case of
Wilson, John, 125-136, 22, 2
- Toward disestablishment: New patterns of social class,
denomination and religiosity among youth?
Nelsen, Hart M., Potvin, Raymond H., 137-154, 22, 2
- New class and the young evangelicals, The
Hunter, James Davison, 155-169, 22, 2
- Use of folklore in religious conversion, The: The Chassidic
Singer, Merrill, 170-185, 22, 2
- Medium and her message, The: A study of spiritualism at Lilly
Dale, N.Y.
Richard, Michael P., Adato, Albert, 186-197, 22, 2
- Religious protest outcomes: The Soviet Baptist case.
Kowalewski, David, 198-206, 22, 2
- Modernization and religious purification: Islam in Indonesia.
Tamney, Joseph, 207-217, 22, 2
1981, Volume 22, Number 3
- Faith priorities of pastor and laity as a factor in the
growth or decline of Presbyterian congregations.
Perry, Everett L., Hoge, Dean R., 221-232, 22, 3
- Anomia and religiosity: Some evidence for
Hong, Lawrence K., 233-244, 22, 3
- Generalizability and specificity of intrinsic-extrinsic
orientations, The.
Morris, Ronald J., Hood, Ralph W., Jr., 245-267, 22, 3
- Differences in religious structures between empirically
derived types.
Filsinger, Erik E., 255-267, 22, 3
- Gender and regional differences in the religiosity of
Protestant adolescents.
Nelsen, Hart M., Potvin, Raymond H., 268-284, 22, 3
1981, Volume 22, Number 4
- Paranormal beliefs: Functional alternatives to mainstream
Emmons, Charles F., Sobal, Jeff, 301-312, 22, 4
- Friendship, religion and the occult: A network study
Bainbridge, William Sims, Stark, Rodney, 313-327, 22, 4
- Study of the background, level of job satisfaction, maturity
and morale of "delayed vocation" Catholic priests, A
Hicks, Thomas H., 328-345, 22, 4
- Seminary effects on professional role orientations
Blanchard, Dallas A., 346-361, 22, 4
- American individualism reconsidered
Mount, C. Eric, Jr., 362-376, 22, 4
1981, Volume 23, Number 1
- Struggle for integrity, The
Webber, George W., 3-21, 23, 1
- Triangulation in religious research: A sociological approach
to the study of monasteries
Hillery, George A., Jr., 22-38, 23, 1
- Critique of Leone's and Dolgin's application of Bellah's
evolutionary model to Mormonism, A
White, O. Kendall, Jr., 39-53, 23, 1
- Effect of mainstream religious social controls on adolescent
drug use in rural areas, The
McIntosh, William Alex, Fitch, Starla D., Wilson, J. Branton,
Nyberg, Kenneth L., 54-75, 23, 1
- Knowledge and experience criteria in the report of mystical
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris, Ronald J., 76-84, 23, 1
1981, Volume 23, Number 2
- Some issues in clergy authority
Carroll, Jackson W., 99-117, 23, 2
- Sociological view of authority in religious organizations, A
Bartholomew, John Niles, 118-132, 23, 2
- Organizational and situational influences on vocational
commitment of Protestant ministers
Hoge, Dean R., Dyble, John E., Polk, David K., 133-149, 23, 2
- Ministers speak on Watergate: Effects of clergy role during
political crisis
Nelsen, Hart M., Baxter, Sandra, 150-166, 23, 2
- Conventional religiosity, attitudes toward conflict crime,
and income stratification in the United States
Simpson, John H., Hagan, John, 167-179, 23, 2
- Subversion of missionary intentions by cultural values, The:
The Brazilian case
Frase, Ronald G., 180-194, 23, 2
- Church renewal movement in sociological perspective, The
Maxam, Donald A., 195-204, 23, 2
- Samual Blizzard: Sociologist, theological educator, and
border broker: An appreciative evaluation
Bouma, Gary D., 205-213, 23, 2
- Writings Samuel Wilson Blizzard, The
Blizzard, Harriet, 214-218, 23, 2
1982, Volume 23, Number 3
- Desired outcomes of religious education and youth ministry in
six denominations
Hoge, Dean R., Hefferman, Esther, Hemrick, Eugene F., Nelsen,
Hart M., O'Connor, James P., Philibert, Paul J., Thompson, Andrew
J., 230-254, 23, 3
- Influence of social and theological factors upon the goals of
religious education, The
Nelsen, Hart M., 255-263, 23, 3
- Teachers, pedagogy and the process of religious education
Philibert, Paul J., Hoge, Dean R., 264-285, 23, 3
- Moral maturity and education beyond conventional morality
Philibert, Paul J., 286-296, 23, 3
- Different conceptualizations of goals of religious education
and youth ministry in six denominations
Hoge, Dean R,, Thompson, Andrew D., 297-304, 23, 3
- Response: "Moral maturity" and social justice goals
Simmons, Henry C., 305-310, 23, 3
- Response: Religious education goals for youth
Miller, Donald E., 311-315, 23, 3
1982, Volume 23, Number 4
- Theological crucibles: Social movements in and of religion
Zald, Mayer N., 317-336, 23, 4
- Problem-solving versus problem-setting: The case of the
Jesuit general survey
Gannon, Thomas M., 337-352, 23, 4
- Bringing religious motivation back in: A multivariate
analysis of motivational predictors of student religiosity
Welch, Michael R., Barrish, Jerry, 357-369, 23, 4
- Church growth (and decline) in a Southern city
Hadaway, C. Kirk, 372-387, 23, 4
- Impact of geographical mobility on adolescent religious
orientation, The
deVaus, David, 391-402, 23, 4
1982, Volume 24, Number 1
- International differences in value ranking and religious
style among Jesuits
Faase, Thomas P., 3-18, 24, 1
- Intimacy and saliency: Dimensions for ordering religious
Currie, Raymond, Klug, Leo F., McCombs, Charles R., 19-32, 24, 1
- Exploring some correlates of sermon impact on Catholic
Pargament, Kenneth I., Silverman, William H., 33-39, 24, 1
- Religion, beliefs about human life, and the abortion decision
William, Dories Giles, 40-48, 24, 1
- Factor analyses of religious variables: Some methodological
Yeats, John R., Asher, William, 49-53, 24, 1
- Updating an archive: "Churches and church membership in the
United States," 1952-1980
Newman, William M., Halvorson, Peter L., 54-59, 24, 1
- Reply to Hoge
Welch, Michael R., Barrish, Jerry, 59-60, 24, 1
1982, Volume 24, Number 2
- Religious organizational change: An analysis based on the TM
Woodrum, Eric, 89-103, 24, 2
- Vision and research: The social policy perspective of Kenneth
Hammond, Phillip E., 104-115, 24, 2
- Women pastors: What happens after placement?
Royle, Majorie H., 116-126, 24, 2
- Factors related to pastoral morale in the Seventh-day
Adventist Church
Dudley, Roger L., Cummings, Des, Jr., 127-137, 24, 2
- Underlife in a Baptist church
Ingram, Larry C., 138-152, 24, 2
- Power of prayer, The: A prolegomenon to an ascetical
Swatos, William H., Jr., 153-162, 24, 2
1983, Volume 24, Number 3
- Americans in the Israeli Reform and Conservative
denominations: Religiosity under an ethnic shield?
Tabory, Ephraim, Lazerwitz, Bernard, 177-187, 24, 3
- Religion as national identity in a secular society
Weissbrod, Lilly, 188-205, 24, 3
- Organized religion as opiate or prophetic stimulant: A study
of American and English assessments of social justice in two
urban settings
Perkins, H. Wesley, 206-224, 24, 3
- Dualistic and wholistic views of God and the world:
Consequences for social action
Drieger, Leo, Currie, Raymond, Linden, Lick, 225-244, 24, 3
- Religious sectarianism and the Soviet state: The dynamics of
believer protest and regime response
Kowalewski, David, Greil, Arthur L., 245-260, 24, 3
- "New Class and the Young Evangelicals", The: Second thoughts
Reese, Boyd, 261-267, 24, 3
- Perils of idealism, The: A reply
Hunter, James Davidson, 267-277, 24, 3
1983, Volume 24, Number 4
- In search of a Protestant Twentieth Century: American
religion and power since 1900
Hammond, Phillip E., 281-294, 24, 4
- Churches are generally ignored in contemporary voluntary
action research: Causes and consequences
Smith, David Horton, 295-303, 24, 4
- Response to Smith's paper on contemporary voluntary action
Little, David, 304-307, 24, 4
- Research director's perspective on the issue of the neglect
of churches in voluntary action research, A
Morris, Orrin D., 308-311, 24, 4
- Paradenominational organization perspective on dialogue
between the voluntary action and religious research communities,
Bickel, Kenneth L., Picard, Paul R., 312-317, 24, 4
- Compartmentalization and parochialism in religion and
voluntary action research
Moberg, David O., 318-321, 24, 4
- Study of factors relating to church growth in the North
American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, A
Dudley, Roger L., Cummings, Des, Jr., 322-333, 24, 4
- Seven profiles of effective ministers
Nauss, Allen, 334-346, 24, 4
- Religion, work specialization, and job satisfaction:
Interactive effects
Martinson, Oscar, 347-356, 24, 4
- Some reflections on "leading questions"
Johnson, Paul C., 357-361, 24, 4
1983, Volume 25, Number 1
- Religious commitment and social attitudes in Ireland
McAllister, Ian, 3-20, 25, 1
- Apostasy: A social learning approach
Hunsbereger, Bruce E., 21-38, 25, 1
- American civil religion from 1789 to 1981
Toolin, Cynthia, 39-48, 25, 1
- Institutional stress: Journalistic norms in the Catholic
Thorn, William J., Garrison, Bruce, 49-62, 25, 1
- Before we lose them: Causes, warning signals and intervention
strategies for church dissociation
Borchardt, Henry C., 63-75, 25, 1
19883, Volume 25, Number 2
- Residence and religious effects on declining family size: A
historical analysis of the Utah population
Bean, Lee L., Mineau, Geraldine, Anderton, Douglas, 91-101, 25, 2
- Family size and contraceptive use among Mormons: 1965-1975
Heaton, Tim B., Calkins, Sandra, 102-113, 25, 2
- Mormon and non-Mormon migration in and out of Utah
Toney, Michael B., Stinner, Carol McKewen, Kan, Stephen, 114-126,
25, 2
- Maintaining the faith during college: A study of campus
religious group participation
Madsen, Gary E., Vernon, Glenn M., 127-141, 25, 2
- Age differences in adolescent religiousness
Sloane, Douglas M., Potvin, Raymond H., 142-154, 25, 2
- Religious affiliation, religiosity and racial prejudice: A
new look at old relationships
Chalfant, H. Paul, Peek, Charles W., 155-161, 25, 2
- Belief in an afterlife as symbolic sanction
Richardson, John G., Weatherby, Georgie A., 162-170, 25, 2
1984, Volume 25, Number 3
- Who participates in ecumenical activity?
Myers, Phyllis Goudy, Davidson, James D., 185-203, 25, 3
- Most segregated institution, The: Correlates of interracial
church participation
Hadaway, C. Kirk, Hackett, David G., Miller, James Fogle,
204-219, 25, 3
- Respect for life, sexual morality, and opposition to abortion
Jelen, Ted G., 220-231, 25, 3
- Religious preference, religious participation, and
sterilization decisions
Eckhardt, Kenneth W., Hendershot, Gerry E., 232-246, 25, 3
- Workforce participation and sex differences in church
DeVaus, David, 247-256, 25, 3
- Religious orientation, humanistic values, and narcissism
Watson, P. J., Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris, Ronald J., 257-264,
25, 3
- Assessing the religious needs of college students
Pargament, Kenneth I., Echemendia, Ruben J., Johnson, Steven M.,
McGath, Cheryl A., Maatman, Vaughn, Baxter, William, 265-285, 25,
1984, Volume 25, Number 4
- Power of the religious media, The: Religious broadcast use
and the role of religious organizations in public affairs
Gaddy, Gary D., 289-302, 25, 4
- Religious television in Middletown
Tamney, Joseph B., Johnson, Stephen D., 303-313, 25, 4
- Political influence of television ministers, The: A research
Mobley, G. Melton, 314-320, 25, 4
- Religious values and religiosity in the textbook adoption
controversy in Texas, 1981
Stacey, William A., Shupe, Anson, 321-333, 25, 4
- Nature and sources of religious involvement, The
Roberts, Michael K., Davidson, James D., 334-350, 25, 4
- Subjective measures of spiritual well-being
Moberg, David O., 351-364, 25, 4
- Religious denominations' impact upon gender attitudes: Some
methodological implications
Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., MacKie, Marlene M., 365-378, 25, 4
- Roman Catholic catechists and their ecumenical attitudes: A
research note
Kelly, James R., 379-387, 25, 4
1984, Volume 26, Number 1
- Religion and justice: The volcano and the terrace
Kelley, Dean M., 3-14, 26, 1
- Rise of a new world faith, The
Stark, Rodney, 18-27, 26, 1
- Mormonism in secular society: Changing patterns in official
ecclesiastical rhetoric
Shepard, Gordon, Shepard, Gary, 28-42, 26, 1
- Secularization, higher education, and religiosity
Albrecht, Stan L., Heaton, Tim B., 43-58, 26, 1
- Spiritual well-being and the consequential dimension of
Duke, James T., Johnson, Barry L., 59-72, 26, 1
- Comprehensive bibliography of social science literature on
the Mormons
Mauss, Armand L., Franks, Jeffrey R., 73-115, 26, 1
1984, Volume 26, Number 2
- Religiosity and sexual attitudes and behavior among
evangelical Christian singles
Wulf, Jean, Prentice, David, Hansum, Donna, Ferrar, Archie,
Spilka, Bernard, 119-131, 26, 2
- Parish responsiveness and parishioner commitment
Cieslak, Michael J., 132-147, 26, 2
- Ideology and recruitment in religious groups
Ebaugh, Helen Rose Fuchs, Vaughan, Sharron Lee, 148-157, 26, 2
- Dietary behavior, dietary adequacy, and religious social
support: An exploratory study
McIntosh, William Alex, Shifflett, Peggy A., 158-175, 26, 2
- Heroin, hashish and hallelujah: The search for meaning
Gruner, Leroy, 176-186, 26, 2
- Comment on David Horton Smith, "Churches are generally
ignored in contemporary voluntary action research: Causes and
Smith, Tom W., 190, 26, 2
- Reply to Tom W. Smith
Smith, David Horton, 190-191, 26, 2
1985, Volume 26, Number 3
- Secular society, religious meanings: A contemporary paradox
Hay, David, Morisy, Ann, 213-227, 26, 3
- Rethinking secularization: Retrospect and prospect
Lyon, David, 228-243, 26, 3
- Common religion and customary religion: A critique and
Hornsby-Smith, Michael P., Lee, Raymond M., Reilly, Peter A.,
244-252, 26, 3
- Professionalism and the clergy: A research note
Bryman, Alan, 253-260, 26, 3
- Cross-national perspective on religiosity and social justice,
A: A research note
Chalfant, H. Paul, Heller, Peter L., 261-268, 26, 3
- Research note on religiosity as opiate or prophetic stimulant
among students in England and the United States, A
Perkins, H. Wesley, 269-280, 26, 3
- Reasons for participation in Roman Catholic lay ministry
training programs
Utendorf, James M., 281-292, 26, 3
1985, Volume 26, Number 4
- Religion and public values: A Catholic - Protestant contrast
Martin, David A., 313-331, 26, 4
- Religion and subjective well-being in adulthood: A
quantitative synthesis
Witter, Robert A., Stock, William A., Okun, Morris A., Haring,
Marilyn J., 332-342, 26, 4
- Religion and family formation
Heaton, Tim B., Goodman, Kristen L., 343-359, 26, 4
- Consequential religiosity in modern society
Tamney, Joseph B., Johnson, Stephen D., 360-378, 26, 4
- Clergy in racial controversy: A replication of the Campbell
and Pettigrew study
Thomas, Charles B., Jr., 379-390, 26, 4
- Conceptualization of Quest: A critical rejoinder to Batson
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris, Ronald J., 391-397, 26, 4
- Misconception of Quest: A reply to Hood and Morris
Batson, C. Daniel, Ventis, W. Larry, 398-407, 26, 4
- Means, end, and quest: A research note
Finney, John R., Malony, H. Newton, 408-412, 26, 4
1985, Volume 27, Number 1
- Parental control, age, and religious practice
Potvin, Raymond H., Sloane, Douglas M., 3-14, 27, 1
- Religious traditions, parents, and peers as determinants of
alcohol and drug use among college students
Perkins, H. Wesley, 15-31, 27, 1
- Contracts, cognitions, and conversion: A rational approach
Gartell, C. David, Shannon, Zane K., 32-48, 27, 1
- Religiosity, anxiety, and meaning and purpose: Religion's
consequences for psychological well-being
Petersen, Larry R., Roy, Anita, 49-62, 27, 1
- Established banks and established churches: A study of
stockholder resolutions
Kowelewski, David, Leonard, Robin, 63-76, 27, 1
- Religious pluralism: The case of the Lutheran south
Hook, Wade E., 77-85, 27, 1
1985, Volume 27, Number 2
- Religion and the 1984 election campaign
Pierand, Richard V., 98-114, 27, 2
- Socio-moral issues and recent presidential elections
Simpson, John H., 115-123, 27, 2
- Christian Right and the 1984 presidential election, The
Johnson, Stephen D., Tamney, Joseph B., 124-133, 27, 2
- Boundary maintenance, social-political views, and
presidential preference among high and low fundamentalists
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., 134-145, 27, 2
- Mormonism and the New Christian Right: An emerging coalition?
Shupe, Anson, Heinerman, John, 146-157, 27, 2
- Religion and opposition to abortion reconsidered
Rhodes, A. Lewis, 158-168, 27, 2
- Processes of persuasion: The case of creation science
Stempien, Richard, Coleman, Sarah, 169-177, 27, 2
- Religion and loyalty to the political elite: The case of the
Schoenfeld, Eugen, 169-177, 27, 2
- Evangelical politics: Generalizations and implications
Hammond, Phillip E., 189-192, 27, 2
1986, Volume 27, Number 3
- Secularization and the diminishing decline of religion
Ayalon, Hannah, Ben-Rafael, Eliezer, Sharot, Stephen, 192-207,
27, 3
- Regional variants in the determinants of religious
Stump, Roger W., 208-225, 27, 3
- Dimensions of religiosity, The: A conceptual model with an
empirical test
Cornwall, Marie, Albrecht, Stan L., Cunningham, Perry H.,
Pitcher, Brian L., 226-244, 27, 3
- Religious interest and involvement of young adults: A
research note
Mueller, Daniel P., Cooper, Philip W., 245-254, 27, 3
- Fasting and dieting: A research note
Tamney, Joseph B., 255-262, 27, 3
1986, Volume 27, Number 4
- Interpreting change in American Catholicism: The river and
the floodgate
Hoge, Dean R., 289-299, 27, 4
- Sectarian colleges and academic freedom
Ingram, Larry C., 300-314, 27, 4
- Catholic church-related jobs as dual labor markets: A
speculative inquiry
LaMagdeleine, Donald R., 315-327, 27, 4
- Religious commitment and integration into a Jewish community
in the United States
Levine, Betty C., 328-343, 27, 4
- Church schism and secession: A necessary sequence?
Steed, Mary Lou, 344-355, 27, 4
- Religion and refugee resettlement in the United States: A
research note
Burwell, Ronald J., Hill, Peter, VanWicklin, John F., 356-366,
27, 4
1986, Volume 28, Number 1
- Transmission of religious values from parents to adolescents
Dudley, Roger L., Dudley, Margaret G., 3-15, 28, 1
- Religious orientation and personality: A case study
Kwilecki, Susan, 16-28, 28, 1
- Role of psychological assessment in predicting ministerial
effectiveness, The
Malony, H. Newton, Majovski, Laura Fogwell, 29-39, 28, 4
- Audience response to religious fear appeals
Ragsdale, J. Donald, Durham, Kenneth R., 40-50, 28, 1
- Religion and changes in family patterns
Hart, Stephen, 51-70, 28, 1
- Social research and the churches
Fukuyama, Yoshio, 71-81, 28, 1
1986, Volume 28, Number 2
- Fundamentalism, feminism, and attitudes toward pornography
Jelen, Ted G., 97-103, 28, 2
- Catholic college students' religious and moral attitudes,
1961 to 1982: Effects of the Sixties and the Seventies
Moberg, David O., Hoge, Dean R., 104-117, 28, 2
- Religiosity, church social teaching, and sociopolitical
attitudes: A research note on marital homogamy as social context
for US Catholics
Leege, David C., Welch, Michael R., Trozzolo, Thomas A., 118-128,
28, 2
- Research note on Cardinal Bernadin's "Seamless garment"
Cleghorn, J. Stephen, 129-142, 28, 2
- Equity or exploitation: The case of the Unification Church
Kilbourne, Brock K., 143-151, 28, 2
- Applicability of social distance for religious research, The:
An exploration
Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., Mackie, Marlene M., 151-167, 28, 2
- Consumer protection and deviant religion
Richardson, James T., 168-179, 28, 2
- Review and commentary on the prospects of a Mormon / New
Christian Right coalition, A
White, O. Kendall, Jr., 143-150, 28, 2
1987, Volume 28, Number 3
- Private and the public, The: The linkage role of religion
Cheal, David J., 209-223, 28, 3
- Images of God and man: An exploratory study
Schoenfeld, Eugene, 224-235, 28, 3
- Mormonism and the Moral Majority make strange bedfellows? An
exploratory study
Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., Jacob, Jeffrey C., Mackie, Marlene M.,
236-251, 28, 3
- Meaning and organization in religious experience: An
exploratory study
Preston, Carol, 252-267, 28, 3
1987, Volume 28, Number 4
- Forum structure: National Council of Churches Commission of
Women in Ministry, with the Religious Research Association
Naylor, Ann, 302-304, 28, 4
- Women in seminary: A review of current social science
Carlton, Joy, 305-318, 28, 4
- Research on lay church members' attitudes toward women in
ministry: An assessment
Lehman, Edward C., Jr., 319-329, 28, 4
- Are women changing the image of ministry? A comparison of
British and American realities
Nason-Clark, Nancy, 341-350, 28, 4
- Using bifocals to overcome blindspots: The impact of women on
the military and the ministry
Royle, Majorie H., 341-350, 28, 4
- Effect of latent racist, ethnic, and sexual biases on
placement, The
Schreckengost, George E., 351-366, 28, 4
- Prophetic voices: Differences between men and women
Yeaman, Patricia A., 367-376, 28, 4
- Context, challenge, and contribution: Women-in-ministry
Shriver, Peggy A. L., 377-382, 28, 4
- From research to policy and program
DuBois, Ann, 383-385, 28, 4
- Women in research: A subject's reflections
Hiatt, Suzanne R., 386-389, 28, 4
- Research on women in ministry: Concerns about the process
Bean, Holly Vincent, 390-394, 28, 4
- On digging, dialogue, and decision-making
Hargrove, Barbara, 395-401, 28, 4
1987, Volume 29, Number 1
- Holy masquerade: Hypocrisy in religion
Moberg, David O., 3-24, 29, 1
- Liberalism and rationalism in modern theology: The
sociological hypothesis
Cavanaugh, Michael A., 25-43, 29, 1
- Social bases of religion, The: A study of factors influencing
religious belief and commitment
Cornwall, Marie, 44-56, 29, 1
- Ministerial discernment: An application of the LENS model to
the study of decision making
Wiener, Richard L., Kramer, Thomas J., 57-68, 29, 1
- Correcting church membership rates: 1971 and 1980
Stark, Rodney, 69-77, 29, 1
1987, Volume 29, Number 2
- Star wars of a different kind: Reflections on the politics of
the religion and television research project
Hadden, Jeffrey K., Frankl, Razelle, 101-110, 29, 2
- Critical review of the religion and television research
report, A
Frankl, Razelle, Hadden, Jeffrey K., 111-124, 29, 2
- Social significance of religious television, The
Wuthnow, Robert, 125-135, 29, 2
- Religious television audience, The: A matter of significance
or size?
Hoover, Stewart M., 135-151, 29, 2
- Themes and topics in religious television programming
Abelman, Robert, Neuendorf, Kimberley, 152-174, 29, 2
- Interactional analysis of religious television programming,
Neuendorf, Kimberley, Abelman, Robert, 175-198, 29, 2
- Why do people watch religious television? A uses and
gratification approach
Abelman, Robert, 199-210, 29, 2
1988, Volume 29, Number 3
- Denominations and religious intermarriage: Trends among white
Americans in the twentieth century
McCutcheon, Alan L., 213-227, 29, 3
- Marital integration of religious independents: A reevaluation
of its significance
Bock, E. Wilbur, Radelet, Michael L., 228-241, 29, 3
- Status attainment and religion: A reevaluation
Homola, Michael, Knudsen, Dean, Marshall, Harvey, 242-258, 29, 3
- Wives' employment status and marital happiness of religious
Johnson, Barry L., Duke, James T., Eberley, Susan, Sartain,
Deborah H., 259-270, 29, 3
- Age and religious orientation
Watson, Paul J., Howard, Robin, Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris,
Ronald, 271-280, 29, 3
- Religion and well-being: Men and women in the middle years
Willits, Fern K., Crider, Donald M., 281-294, 29, 3
- Sin, depression, and narcissism
Watson, Paul J., Morris, Ronald, Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Foster,
Shelly, 295-306, 29, 3
1988, Volume 29, Number 4
- In the receding shadow of the plantation: A profile of rural
clergy and churches in the Black Belt
Lincoln, C. Eric, Mamiya, Lawrence H., 349-368, 29, 4
- Our own vine and fig tree: The authority of history and
kinship in Mother Bethel
Beck, Carolyn S., 369-384, 29, 4
- Revivalism and the advent of cash economy on the Georgia
Goldsmith, Peter, 385-397, 29, 4
- Unchurched Black Americans: Patterns of religiosity and
Nelsen, Hart M., 398-412, 29, 4
- Bibliography of social science literature on Afro-American
religion in the United States
Baer, Hans A., 413-430, 29, 4
- Counting America's Jews: Clarify the procedures; a research
Newman, William M., Halvorson, Peter L., 431-433, 29, 4
1988, Volume 30, Number 1
- Clinical assessment of optimal religious functioning, The
Malony, H. Newton, 3-17, 30, 1
- Sociorhetorical approach to understanding theological change,
Mathisen, Gerald S., Mathisen, James A., 18-32, 30, 1
- Asking the "born-again" question
Dixon, Richard D., Levy, Dianne E., Lowery, Roger C., 33-39, 30,
- Factors related to inconsistent life-views
Johnson, Stephen B., Tamney, Joseph B., 40-47, 30, 1
- Seeing the connection: Religion and politics in the Ohio
Moral Majority
Wilcox, Clyde, 47-58, 30, 1
- Filled with the "holy smoke": Religion and tobacco in
Ferraro, Kenneth F., Jewell-Patton, Grier, 59-72, 30, 1
- Picketing Satan enfleshed at 7-Eleven: A research note
Swatos, William H., Jr., 73-82, 30, 1
1988, Volume 30, Number 2
- Structural determinants of religious participation among
Black Americans
Taylor, Robert J., 114-125, 30, 2
- Correlates of religious non-involvement among Black Americans
Taylor, Robert J., 126-139, 30, 2
- Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of Christ, The: The
socio-religious evolution of the largest of the Black Spiritual
Baer, Hans A., 140-150, 30, 2
- Black ecumenical movements: Proponents of social change
Sawyer, Mary, 151-161, 30, 2
- Black mainstream churches: Emancipatory or accommodative
responses to racism and social stratification in American
Baer, Hans A., 162-176, 30, 2
- Social context of conversion to a Black Religious Sect, The
Singer, Merrill, 177-192, 30, 2
- Church members as a source of informal social support
Taylor, Robert J., Chatters, Linda M., 193-203, 30, 2
1989, Volume 30, Number 3
- Stages of religious transformation: A study of 200 nations
Duke, James T., Johnson, Barry L., 209-224, 30, 3
- Ecumenism and abortion: A case study of pluralism,
privatization, and the public conscience
Kelly, James, 225-235, 30, 3
- Justice: An elusive concept in Christianity
Schoenfeld, Eugen, 236-245, 30, 3
- Stages of faith and perceptions of similar and dissimilar
Green, Charles W., Hoffman, Cindy L., 246-254, 30, 3
- Young evangelicals in the 19th and 20th centuries
Bedell, Kenneth B., 255-261, 30, 3
- Different voice / different voices: Anglican women in
Stevens, Lesley, 262-275, 30, 3
- Fundamentalism and self-actualization
Tamney, Joseph B., Johnson, Stephen D., 276-286, 30, 3
- Dual labor market in the Catholic Church, The: Expanding a
speculative inquiry
Wittberg, Patricia, 287-290, 30, 3
- Expanding a dual labor market approach to Catholic Church
work: Comment on Wittberg
LaMagdeline, Donald R., 291-294, 30, 3
1989, Volume 30, Number 4
- Viewship of religious television programming, The: A
multi-disciplinary analysis of televangelism
Litman, Barry R., Bain, Elizabeth, 329-343, 30, 4
- Education and fundamentalism
Burton, Ronald, Johnson, Steven, Tamney, Joseph, 344-359, 30, 4
- Clash of symbols in North Ireland, A: Divisions between
extremist and moderate Protestant elites
MacIver, Martha Abele, 360-324, 30, 4
- Imaging God: Who is created in whose image?
Roberts, Carl W., 325-386, 30, 4
- Religious participation and marital commitment
Larson, Lyle E., Goltz, Walter, 387-400, 30, 4
- Religious influences on Mormon fertility: Cross-national
Heaton, Tim B., 401-411, 30, 4
- Formation of a Fowler scale, The: An empirical assessment
among Catholics
Barnes, Michael, Doyle, Dennis, Johnson, Byron, 412-420, 30, 4
1989, Volume 31, Number 1
- Subjective and social dimensions of religiosity and
loneliness among the well elderly
Johnson, Doyle Paul, Mullins, Larry C., 3-15, 31, 1
- Relationship between religion and mental health/distress, The
Crawford, Mark E., Handal, Paul J., Wiener, Richard L., 16-22,
31, 1
- Life events and religious change
Albrecht, Stan L., Cornwall, Marie, 23-38, 31, 1
- Prayer experience and religious orientation
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris, Ronald J., Watson, Paul J., 39-45,
31, 1
- Exploring types of prayer and quality of life
Poloma, Margaret M., Pendleton, Brian F., 46-53, 31, 1
- Fundamentalist voter, The: Politicized religious identity and
political attitudes and behavior
Wilcox, Clyde, 46-53, 31, 1
- Church attendance and traditional religious beliefs in
adolescence and young adulthood: A panel study
Willits, Fern K., Crider, Donald M., 68-81, 31, 1
- Towards a model of research for participative church planning
Faase, Thomas P., 82-93, 31, 1
- Responses to "Star Wars of a Different Kind: Reflections on
the Politics of the Religion and Television Research Project" by
Jeffrey K.. Hadden and Razelle Frankl
Gerbner, George, Gross, Larry, Hoover, Stewart, Morgan, Michael,
Signorelli, Nancy, Shriver, Peggy L., Fore, William F., 94-101, 31, 1
- Rejoinder, Hadden, Jeffrey K., Frankl, Razelle, 102-104, 31,
1989, Volume 31, Number 2
- Methodological issues in denominational surveys of
Roozen, David A., Carroll, Jackson W., 113-114, 31, 2
- Catholics in context: Theoretical and methodological issues
in studying American Catholic parishes
Leege, David C., Welch, Michael R., 132-148, 31, 2
- Will the real Southern Baptist please stand up:
Methodological problems in surveying Southern Baptist
congregations and members
Hadaway, C. Kirk, 149-161, 31, 2
- Surveying Latter-day Saints: A review of methodological
Cornwall, Marie, Cunningham, Perry H., 162-172, 31, 2
- Surveying congregations and denominations: An epilogue
Welch, Michael R., 173-174, 31, 2
- Use of marketing techniques by churches, The: A national
McDaniel, Stephen W., 175-182, 31, 2
- After the storm: Closing the clergy-laity gap
Luidens, Donald A., 183-195, 31, 2
- Good sermon, preacher: The effects of age, sex, and education
on hearer response to preaching
Howden, William D., 196-207, 31, 2
1990, Volume 31, Number 3
- Classifying Protestant denominations
Smith, Tom W., 225-245, 31, 3
- Apples and oranges or varieties of the same fruit? New
religious movements and new social movements compared
Hannigan, John A., 246-258, 31, 3
- American diaspora, An? Patterns of Jewish population
distribution and change, 1971-1980
Newman, William M., Halvorson, Peter L., 259-267, 31, 3
- Aging and boundary maintenance among American evangelicals: A
comment on James Davidson Hunter's Evangelicalism: The Coming
Jelen, Ted G., 268-279, 31, 3
- Neoconservative critique of liberal evangelicals, The: A
response to Berger and Hunter
Cleveland, Kyle, 280-290, 31, 3
- Factors influencing vote for a Christian Right candidate
Johnson, Stephen D., Tamney, Joseph B., Burton, Ronald, 291-304,
31, 3
- Cergy as a resource for those encountering psychological
distress, The
Chalfant, H. Paul, Heller, Peter L., Roberts, Alden, Briones,
David, Aguirre-Hochbaum, Salvador, Farr, Walter, 305-313, 31, 3
- "Big Chill" generation warms to worship, The: A research note
Roozen, David A., McKinney, William, Thompson, Wayne, 314-323,
31, 3
1990, Volume 31, Number 4
- Missionary as stranger, The: A phenomenological analysis of
Christian missionaries' encounter with folk religions
Cohen, Eric, 337-350, 31, 4
- Congregational identities in the Presbyterian Church
Carroll, Jackson W., Roozen, David A., 351-369, 31, 4
- Impact of new church development on Southern Baptist Growth,
Hadaway, C. Kirk, 370-379, 31, 4
- Christian Right and the pro-life movement, The: An analysis
of the sources of political support
Wilcox, Clyde, 380-389, 31, 4
- Role of religion in the problem-solving process, The
Newman, John S., Pargament, Kenneth I., 390-404, 31, 4
- Abstract religious thought and formal operations in high
school and college students
Zachary, William H., 405-412, 31, 4
- Research note and commentary on Dixon, Levy, & Lowery's
"Asking the born-again question"
Schumm, Walter R., Silliman, Benjamin, 413-414, 31, 4
- Reply to Schumm and Silliman
Dixon, Richard D., 415-416, 31, 4
- Church involvement, prejudice, and nationalism: A research
note on the curvilinear relationship between church involvement
and ethnocentrism in the Netherlands
Eisinga, Rob, Felling, Albert, Peters, Jan, 417-433, 31, 4
1990, Volume 32, Number 1
- Spirals not cycles: Toward an analytic approach to the
sources and stages of ecumenism
Kelly, James, 5-15, 32, 1
- Religious diversity and ecumenical social action
Tamney, Joseph B., Johnson, Stephen D., 16-26, 32, 1
- Religion and politics among white Evangelicals: The impact of
religious variables on political attitudes
Wilcox, Clyde, 27-42, 32, 1
- Blacks and the New Christian Right: Support for the Moral
Majority and Pat Robertson among Washington DC Blacks
Wilcox, Clyde, 43-55, 32, 1
- Instability of support for television evangelists, The:
Public reactions during a period of embarrassment
Hougland, James G., Jr., Billings, Dwight B., Wood, James R.,
56-64, 32, 1
- Catholic/Protestant differences in marital status
Ritchey, P. Neal, Dietz, Bernadette, 65-77, 32, 1
- Religiosity and marital satisfaction: A research note
Dudley, Margaret G., Kozinski, Frederick A., 78-86, 32, 1
- Reference books in the sociology of religion
Silverman, William, 87-96, 32, 1
1990, Volume 32, Number 2
- Measuring religious maturity: A proposed scale
Dudley, Roger L., Cruise, Robert J., 97-109, 32, 2
- Attributional complexity, religious orientation, and
indiscriminate proreligiousness
Watson, P. J., Morris, Ronald J., Hood, Ralph W., Jr., 110-121,
32, 2
- Religious identification of children of interfaith marriages,
Nelsen, Hart M., 122-134, 32, 2
- Bridging the religious divide: Mobilizing for reconciliation
in Northern Ireland
MacIver, Martha Abele, Bauermeister, Emily H., 135-150, 32, 2
- Religion and attitudes toward anti-abortion protest
Raymond, Paul, Norrander, Barbara, 151-156, 32, 2
- Persistence of religion through primary group ties among
Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist young people
Hernandez, Edwin I., Dudley, Roger L., 157-172, 32, 2
- Missionary assessment: Norm comparison and prediction of
Haynes, Carter J., Tan, Siang-Yang, 173-190, 32, 2
1991, Volume 32, Number 3
- From typical church to social ministry: A study of the
elements which mobilize congregations
Dudley, Carl S., 195-212, 32, 3
- Southern Baptists and the New Christian Right
Ammerman, Nancy T., 213-236, 32, 3
- God and the growth machine
Newman, Harvey K., 237-243, 32, 3
- Religious commitment, yuppie values, and well-being in post
collegiate life
Perkins, H. Wesley, 244-251, 32, 3
- Race and religiosity: An empirical evaluation of a causal
Johnson, G. David, 252-266, 32, 3
- Gender differences in church attendance in Canada: The role
of laborforce participation
Gee, Ellen M., 267-273, 32, 3
- Religion, intrinsic-extrinsic orientation, and depression
Genia, Vicky, 274-283, 32, 3
1991, Volume 32, Number 4
- Women administrators of priestless parishes: Constraints and
Wallace, Ruth A., 289-304, 32, 4
- Christian beliefs and ethnocentrism in Dutch society: A test
of three models
Eisinga, Rob, Felling, Albert, Peters, Jan, 305-320, 32, 4
- Religious self-identification and support for Robertson: An
analysis of delegates to the 1988 Michigan Republican State
Smidt, Corwin E., Penning, James M., 321-336, 32, 4
- Comparison of Christian Science and mainline Christian
healing ideologies and practices, A
Poloma, Margaret M., 337-350, 32, 4
- Prayer, religiosity, and healing in the Heartland, USA: A
research note
Trier, Kathy K., Shupe, Anson, 351-358, 32, 4
- Relation between conservative religious ideology and moral
reasoning, The: A review
Richards, P. Scott, 359-368, 32, 4
1991, Volume 33, Number 1
- Lobbying for the Lord: The New Christian Right home-schooling
movement and grassroots lobbying
Bates, Vernon L., 3-17, 33, 1
- Social class composition of congregations and pastoral
support for liberal activism
Tamney, Joseph B., 18-31, 33, 1
- Religious dogmatism among white Christians: Causes and
Jelen, Ted G., Wilcox, Clyde, 32-46, 33, 1
- Religious commitment, Zionism and integration in a Jewish
community: Replication and refinement of Levine's hypothesis
Winter, J. Alan, 47-59, 33, 1
- Cultural-historical factors in religious economies: Further
analysis of the Canadian case
Swatos, William H., Jr., 60-75, 33, 1
- Rural/urban versus regional differences in religiosity
Chalfant, H. Paul, Heller, Peter L., 76-86, 33, 1
1991, Volume 33, Number 2
- Saints and seekers: Sources of recruitment to the Vineyard
Christian Fellowship
Perrin, Robin D., Mauss, Armand L., 97-111, 33, 2
- Influence of home, church and school of prayer among
sixteen-year-old adolescents in England, The
Francis, Leslie J., Brown, Laurence B., 112-122, 33, 2
- Religious assortative marriage in the Netherlands, 1938-1983
Hendricks, John, Lammers, Jan, Ultee, Wout, 123-145, 33, 2
- Black Mormons in the 1980s: Pioneers in a white church
Jacobson, Cardell J., 146-152, 33, 2
- Feminism and religious behavior: Greeley revisited in western
Hartnagel, Timothy F., 153-168, 33, 2
- Religious belief and managerial ideology: An exploratory
study of an extrapolation from the Weber thesis
Winter, J. Alan, 169-175, 33, 2
- Getting the word around: A research note on communicating an
evangelistic crusade
Swatos, William H. Jr., 176-185, 33, 2
1992, Volume 33, Number 3
- Shifting pillars: Diocesan leaders' perceptions of baby boom
era institutional change
LaMagdeleine, Donald R., Gessner, John C., 194-214, 33, 3
- Religiosity in a black community: An examination of
secularization and political variables
Jacobson, Cardell K., 215-229, 33, 3
- Reexamination of religious influences on abortion attitudes
Woodrum, Eric, Davison, Beth L., 229-243, 33, 3
- Religiosity of married couples and childlessness
Heaton, Tim B., Jacobson, Cardell K., Fu, Xuan Ning, 244-255, 33,
- Organizational change in the Roman Catholic Church: The
marriage preparation policy as case study
Brabant, Sarah, Forsyth, Craig, Gramling, Robert, 256-269, 33, 3
- Views on social responsibility: The investment of pension
funds in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Inskeep, Kenneth W., 270-282, 33, 3
1992, Volume 33, Number 4
- Toward 2000: Some futures for religious leadership
Carroll, Jackson W., 289-304, 33, 4
- Are conservative churches growing?
Smith, Tom W., 305-329, 33, 4
- Religiosity and public issues among Seventh-day Adventists
Dudley, Roger L., Hernandez, Edwin I., 330-348, 33, 4
- Transformation of community among American Jewry, The:
Religion or ethnoreligion? A national replication
Winter, J. Alan, 349-363, 33, 4
- Views from the pews: Hispanic and Anglo Catholics in a
changing church
Hughes, Cornelius G., 364-375, 33, 4
1992, Volume 34, Number 1
- Loosening the ties that bind: The accommodation of
dual-earner families in a conservative Protestant church
Demmitt, Kevin P., 3-19, 34, 1
- Congregation religious styles and orientations to society:
Exploring our linear assumptions
Mock, Alan C., 20-33, 34, 1
- Social action, evangelism, and ecumenism: The impact of
community, theological, and church structural variables
Kanagy, Conrad L., 34-50, 34, 1
- Mormonism: Catholic, Protestant, different
Johnson, Martin, Mullins, Phil, 51-62, 34, 1
- Where the sacred meets the profane: Religion in the comic
Lindsey, Donald B., Heeren, John, 63-77, 34, 1
1992, Volume 34, Number 2
- Political cooperation and religious repression: Presbyterians
under military rule in Brazil (1964-1974)
Cavalcanti, H. B., 97-116, 34, 2
- Fact and form of born-again religious conversions and
sociopolitical conservatism, The
Dixon, Richard D., Lowery, Roger C., Jones, Lloyd P., 117-131,
34, 2
- Clergy and abortion, The
Jelen, Ted G., 132-151, 34, 2
- Religious attendance and the subjective health of the elderly
Broyles, Philip A., Drenovsky, Cynthia K., 152-160, 34, 2
- Adolescent Satanism: A research note on exploratory survey
Swatos, William H., 161-169, 34, 2
- On the circulatory problems of the saints: A response to
Perrin and Mauss
Bibby, Reginald W., Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., 170-175, 34, 2
- Saints and seriousness: A reply to Bibby and Brinkerhoff
Mauss, Armand L., Perrin, Robin D., 176-178, 34, 2
1993, Volume 34, Number 3
- Straining at the tie that binds: Congregational conflict in
the 1980s
Becker, Penny Edgell, Ellingson, Stephen J., Flory, Richard W.,
Griswold, Wendy, Kniss, Fred, Nelson, Timothy, 193-209, 34, 3
- Protestantism and industrialization: An examination of three
alternative models of the relationship between religion and
Buck, Robert Enoch, 210-224, 34, 3
- Protestant Christians' attitudes toward mental health
interventions in the Church: An exploratory study
Kunst, Jennifer L., 225-234, 34, 3
- Casting off the bonds of organized religion: A
religious-careers approach to the study of apostasy
Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., Mackie, Marlene M., 235-258, 34, 3
- Church growth through member identification and commitment: A
congregational case study
Wilson, Gerald L., Keyton, Joann, Johnson, G. David, Geiger,
Cheryl, Clark, Johanna C., 259-272, 34, 3
- Comparison of the Theological School Inventory (TSI) and the
Profiles of Ministry (POM), A
Hunt, Richard A., Freeman, R. Kelly, Aleshire, Dan O., 273-281,
34, 3
1993, Volume 34, Number 4
- Religion and narrative
Roof, Wade Clark, 297-310, 34, 4
- Religious subcultures and political tolerance: Do
denominations still matter?
Gay, David A., Ellison, Christopher G., 311-332, 34, 4
- Forgiveness: An exploratory factor analysis and its
relationship to religious variables
Gorsuch, Richard L., Hao, Judy Y., 333-347, 34, 4
- Definitions of cult: From sociological-technical to
Richardson, James T., 348-356, 34, 4
- Role of expectations in religious conversions, The: The case
of Hispanic Catholics
Marin, Gerardo, Gamba, Raymond J., 357-371, 34, 4
1993, Volume 35, Number 1
- Sources of stress experienced by Catholic priests
Hoge, Dean R., Shields, Joseph J., Soroka, Stephen, 1-18, 35, 1
- Job satisfaction among lay, clergy and religious order
workers for the Catholic Church: A preliminary examination
Wittberg, Patricia, 19-33, 35, 1
- Toward a typology of Protestant "marginal members"
Marler, Penny Long, Hadaway, C. Kirk, 34-54, 35, 1
- Church membership studies, The: An assessment of four decades
of institutional research
Newman, William M., Halvoorson, Peter L., 55-62, 35, 1
1993, Volume 35, Number 2
- All in the family: Religious mobility in America
Hadaway, C. Kirk, Marler, Penny Long, 97-116, 35, 2
- Religious heritage and teenage marriage
Hammond, Judith A., Cole, Bettie S., Beck, Scott H., 117-154, 35,
- Perceived parents' religiosity, friends' drinking, and
hellfire: A panel study of adolescent drinking
Burkett, Steve R., 134-154, 35, 2
- Ministerial power and the iron law of oligarchy: A deviant
case analysis
Cohn, Steven F., 155-173, 35, 2
1994, Volume 35, Number 3
- Theology and religiosity effects on environmentalism
Woodrum, Eric, Hoban, Thomas, 193-206, 35, 3
- Religious orientation in enduring marriage: An exploratory
Robinson, Linda C., 207-218, 35, 3
- Calling and career in Christian ministry
Christopherson, Richard W., 219-237, 35, 3
- Empirical analysis of options for dealing with the U. S.
Catholic priest shortage, An
Zech, Charles E., 238-250, 35, 3
- Portrayal of religion and spirituality on fictional network
television, The
Skill, Thomas, Robinson, James D., Lyons, John S., Larson, David,
251-267, 35, 3
- Relational communication competence in high and low Christian
religious commitment: A research note
Ragsdale, J. D., 268-274, 35, 3
1994, Volume 35, Number 4
- Telling congregational stories
Ammerman, Nancy T., 289-301, 35, 4
- Effect of religion on self-interest morality, The
ter Voert, Marijke, Felling, Albert, Peters, Jan, 302-323, 35, 4
- Religious institutions as sources of AIDS information for
street injection drug users
McBride, Duane C., McCoy, Clyde B., Chitwood, Dale D., Inciardi,
James A., Hernandez, Edwin L., Mutch, Patricia M., 324-334, 35, 4
- Religion and mental health: A hermeneutic reconsideration
Williams, Richard N., Faulconer, James E., 335-349, 35, 4
1994, Volume 36, Number 1
- Quiet transformation, The: Changes in size and leadership of
Southern Baptist churches
Finke, Roger, 3-22, 36, 1
- Protestant clergy as political leaders: Theological
Jelen, Ted G., 23-42, 36, 1
- Stress factors, spirituality, and commitment among
seminarians and their spouses
Dudley, Roger L., Dudley, Margaret G., 43-57, 36, 1
- Ministerial effectiveness in ten functions
Nauss, Allen, 58-69, 36, 1
- Sociological controversies in perspective
Tschannen, Oliver, 70-86, 36, 1
1994, Volume 36, Number 2
- Introduction: The problem of understanding church giving
Hoge, Dean R., 101-110, 36, 2
- Congregational vs. denominational giving: An analysis of
giving patterns in the Presbyterian Church in the United States
and the Reformed Church in America
Nemeth, Roger J., Luidens, Donald A., 111-122, 36, 2
- Determinants of religious giving in American denominations:
Data from two nationwide surveys
Hoge, Dean R., Yang, Fenggang, 123-148, 36, 2
- Correlates of religious giving in six Protestant
Donahue, Michael J., 149-157, 36, 2
- Economic and attitudinal factors in Catholic and Protestant
religious giving
Zaleski, Peter A., Zech, Charles E., 158-167, 36, 2
- Generous congregations, generous givers: Congregational
contexts that stimulate individual giving
Olson, Donald V. A., Caddell, David, 168-180, 36, 2
- Passing the plate in affluent churches: Why some members give
more than others
Davidson, James V., Pyle, Ralph E., 181-196, 36, 2
- Determinants of religious giving in urban Presbyterian
Zaleski, Peter A., Zech, Charles E., Hoge, Dean R., 197-206, 36,
- Social sources of family contributions: Giving patterns in
the Reformed Church in America
Luidens, Donald A., Nemeth, Roger J., 207-217, 36, 2
- Relationship of parish characteristics to Sunday giving among
Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Rexhausen, Jeff, Cieslak, Michael J., 218-229, 36, 2
- Analysis of Catholic sacificial giving programs in Seattle,
Washington, An
Harris, Joseph Claude, 230-237, 36, 2
- Giving trends in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Inskeep, Kenneth W., 238-244, 36, 2
1995, Volume 36, Number 3
- Conservative Proytestantism and public opinion toward science
Ellison, Christopher G., Musick, Marc A., 245-262, 36, 3
- Rethinking the reasonableness of the religious right
Wilcox, Clyde, Jelen, Ted G., Linzey, Sharon, 263-276, 36, 3
- Women's religiosity and employment: The LDS experience
Chadwick, Bruce A., Garrett, H. Dean, 277-294, 36, 3
- Integrating religious and racial identities: An analysis of
LDS African American explanations for the priesthood ban
White, O. Kendall, White, Daryl, 295-312, 36, 3
1995, Volume 36, Number 4
- Binocular view of religion and research, A
Shriver, Peggy L., 341-354, 36, 4
- Organizational mission as a source of vulnerability:
Comparing attitudes of trustees and professors in Southern
Baptist Colleges
Ingram, Larry C., King, Carol Ann, 355-368, 36, 4
- Further examination of the relationships of religious
orientation to religious conflict
Nielsen, Michael E., Fultz, Jim, 369-381, 36, 4
- Martin and Malcolm as cultural icons: An empirical study
comparing lower class African American and white males.
Hood, Ralph W., Jr., Morris, Ronald J., Hickman, Susan E.,
Watson, P. J., 382-388, 36, 4
1995, Volume 37, Number 1
- Personal autonomy in religion and marriage: Is there a link?
Wilson, John, Musick, Marc, 3-18 , 37, 1
- Age density, religiosity and death anxiety in retirement
Duff, Robert W., Hong, Lawrence K., 19-32, 37, 1
- Religion and enviornmental concern: Challenging and dominant
Kanagy, Conrad L., Nelsen, Hart M., 33-44, 37, 1
- Rhetorical pluralism and secularization in the new Christian
Right: The Oregon Citizens Alliance.
Bates, Vernon L., 46-64, 37, 1
- Religious independents in Northern Ireland: origins,
attitudes and significance., Hayes, Bernadette C.
McAllister, Ian, 65-83, 37, 1
1995, Volume 37, Number 2
- Spare the rod ... or spare the child? Divergent perspectives
on conservative Protestant child discipline
Bartkowski, John P., 97-116, 37, 2
- Commandos for Christ: Narratives of male pro-life
Maxwell, Carol J. C., Jelen, Ted G., 117-131, 37, 2
- Articulating religious meaning in conversion: Variation in
linguistic style by subdenominational religious group
Bouma, Gary D., Clyne, Michael, 132-146, 37, 2
- Balancing ministry and management: An exploratory of pastoral
work activities
Kuhne, Gary William, Donaldson, Joe F., 147-163, 37, 2
1996, Volume 37, Number 3
- Onward Christian soldiers? Seventh-day Advantists and the
issue of military service
Lawson, Ronald, 193-218, 37, 3
- The influence of religious affiliation on the clustering of
social attitudes
Miller, Alan S., 219-232, 37, 3
- Symbolic ethnicity or religion among Jews in the United
States: A test of Gansian hypotheses
Winter, J. Alan, 233-247, 37, 3
- Impact of feminism and religious involvement on sentiments
toward God, The
Steiner-Aeschliman, Sherrie, Mauss, Armand L., 248-259, 37, 3
- Public's views on the future of religion and science, The:
Cross-national survey results
Campbell, Robert A., 260-267, 37, 3
1996, Volume 37, Number 4
- You who were far off: Religious divisions and the role of
religious research.
Wheeler, Barbara G., 289-301, 37, 4
- Hospital caregivers' own religion in relation to their
perceptions of psychosocial inputs into health and healing
Scherer, Ross P., 302-324, 37, 4
- Depilarization, deconfessionalization, and de-
ideologization: Empirical trends in Dutch society 1958-1997.
Dekker, Paul, Ester, Peter, 325-341, 37, 4
- Changing Mennonite values: Attitudes on women, politics, and
peace, 1972-1989
Kanagy, Conrad L., Driedger, Leo, 342-353, 37, 4
- Gender differences in attitude toward abortion among
Protestant seminarians
Finley, Barbara, 354-360, 37, 4
1996, Volume 38, Number 1
- In search of denominational subcultures: Religious
affiliation and "pro-family" issues revisited
Gay, David A,, Ellison, Christopher G., Powers, Daniel A., 3-17,
38, 1
- The ethnic church, ethnic identification, and the social
adjustment of Vietnamese adolescents.
Bankston, Carl L., III, Zhou, Min, 18-37, 38, 1
- Social attachments to religious institutions among young
Dudley, Roger L., Muthersbaugh, H. Phillip, 38-50, 38, 1
- The teaching of non-marital sexual abstinence and member's
sexual attitudes and behaviors: The case of Latter-day Saints
Holman, Thomas B., Harding, John R., 51-60, 38, 1
- The significance of personal change for operative goals: A
structuralist approach to theological self-identification and
attitudes toward academic policy in Southern Baptist Colleges
Ingram, Larry C., 61-78, 38, 1
- Public confidence in religious leaders: a perspective from
secularization theory
Keiman, Michael B., Ramsey, Nancy, Palazzo, Lorella, 79-87, 38, 1
1996, Volume 38, Number 2
- The election of a traditional-family-values candidate
Johnson, Stephen D., Tamney, Joseph B., 97-110, 38, 2
- Turning to prayer: Social and situational antecedents of religious coping among African Americans
Ellison, Christopher G., Taylor, Robert Joseph, 111-132, 38, 2
- How Seventh-Day Adventist lay members view women pastors
Dudley, Roger L., 133-141, 38, 2
- Patterns of religious socialization: Communalism, associationalism and the politics of lifestyle
Jelen, Ted G., Chandler, Marthe A., 142-158, 38, 2
- Upheavals in congregations: The causes and outcomes of splits
Starke, Frederick A., Dyck, Bruno, 159-174, 38, 2
- So far, so good: A brief assessment of Mormon membership projections
Stark, Rodney, 175-178, 38, 2
1997, Volume 38, Number 3
- Gender, tokenism, and the construction of elite clergy careers
Paula D. Nesbitt, 38, 3, 193-210
- Correlates of lay perceptions of clergy ministry style
Edward C. Lehman, Jr., 38, 3, 211-230
- My beloved is all radiant: Two case studies of congregational-based Christian fundamentalist enclaves and the religious experiences they cultivate among women
Brenda E. Brasher, 38, 3, 231-246
- Through the eye of a needle: Social ministry in affluent churches
James D. Davidson, Alan K. Mock, and C. Lincoln Johnson, 38, 3, 247-262
- Christianity and public book banning
Joseph B. Tamney and Stephen D. Johnson, 38, 3, 263-271
1997, Volume 38, Number 4
- Going, going, gone: The impact of geographical mobility on religious involvement
Reginald W. Bibby, 38, 4, 289-307
- God meets Gaia in Austin, Texas: A case study of environmentalism as implicit religion
John P. Bartkowski and W. Scott Swearingen, 38, 4, 308-324
- Denominational subcultures of environmentalism
Michelle Wolkomir, Michael Futreal, Eric Woodrum, and Thomas Hoban, 38, 4, 325-343
- The spiritual experience index: Revision and reformulation
Vicky Genia, 38, 4, 344-361
1997, Volume 39, Number 1
- He made a way out of no way: Religious experience in an African -American Congregation
Timothy J. Nelson, 39, 1, 5-26
- The Christian left: Who are they and how are they different from the Christian right?
Charles F. Hall, 39, 1, 27-45
- Financial contributions to Catholic parishes: A nationwide study of determinants
Dean R. Hoge, and Boguslaw Augustyn, 39, 1, 46-60
- Are charismatic ministers less stable? A study among male Anglican clergy
Leslie J. Francis and T. Hugh Thomas, 39, 1, 61-69
1997, Volume 39, Number 2
Special Issue: Mass Media and Unconventional Religion
- Media coverage of unconventional religion: Any "good news" for minority faiths?
Stuart A. Wright, 39, 2, 101-115
- Journalists' attitudes toward new religious movements
James T. Richardson and Barend van Driel, 39, 2, 116-136
- Journalists with attitude: A response to Richardson and van Driel
Mark Silk, 39, 2, 137-143
- Covering conventional and unconventional religion: A reporter's view
John Dart, 39, 2, 144-152
- Event and publicity as social drama: A case study of the RE-Imagining conference
Steward M. Hoover and Lynn Schofield Clark, 39, 2, 153-171
- Vicissitudes of public legitimacy for religious groups: A comparison of the Unification and Roman Catholic churches
Anson Shupe, 39, 2, 172-183
1998, Volume 39, Number 3
- Catholic contexts: Competition, commitment and innovation.
Rodney Stark, 39, 3, 197-208
- The popularity of strict churches
Joseph B. Tamney and Stephen D. Johnson, 39, 3, 209-223
- Firm believers? Religion, body weight, and well-being
Kenneth F. Ferraro, 39, 3, 224-244
- Race and ethnic differences in the effects of religious attendance on subjective health
Greg L. Drevenstedt, 39, 3, 245-263
- Religiosity and prejudice: An update and denominational analysis
Cardell K. Jacobson, 39, 3, 264-272
1998, Volume 39, Number 4
- Theology and the position of pastors on social issues: Continuity and change since the 1960s
Benton Johnson, 39, 4, 293-208
- Effects of parental church attendance, current family status, and religious salience on church attendance
Donald R. Ploch and Donald W. Hastings, 39, 4, 309-320
- Confidence in religious institutions and secularization: Trends and implications
John P. Hoffman, 39, 4, 321-343
- Three paradoxes in the relations between religion and politics in an English city
James A. Beckford, 39, 4, 344-359
- Why Japanese religions look different: The social role of religious organizations in Japan
Alan S. Miller, 39, 4, 360-370
1998, Volume 40, Number 1
- Religious leadership, religious research and religious renewal
McKinney, William, 40, 1, 5-15
- Why churches cannot endorse or oppose political candidates
Davidson, James D., 40, 1, 16-34
- Moral entrepreneuring in Japan: A labeling theory analysis of the Salvation Army's efforts
Nelson, Jack E., 40, 1, 35-54
- Alternative spirituality and environmentalism
Bloch, Jon P., 40, 1, 55-74
- A different voice: A different view
Robbins, Mandy, 40, 1, 75-80
1998, Volume 40, Number 2
- Religion and the sociology of culture: Exploring the organizational cultures of two midwestern Roman Catholic dioceses
Harper, Charles L., & Schulte-Murray, Rebecca K., 40, 2, 101-120
- Marching on the margins: An analysis of the Salvation Army in the United States
Hazzard, John W., 40, 2, 121-141
- A national survey of the sexual trauma experiences of Catholic nuns
Chibnall, John T., Wolf, Ann, & Duckro, Paul N., 40, 2, 142-167
- Seniors' mental health and pastoral practices in African American churches: An exploratory study in a southern city
Blasi, Anthony J., Husaini, Baqar A., & Drumwright, Darrel A., 40, 2, 168-177
1999, Volume 40, Number 3
- The image of God: Black theology and racial empowerment in the African American community
Calhoun-Brown, Allison, 40, 3, 197-212
- Power and paradox in an African American congregation
Toth, John F. Jr., 40, 3, 213-229
- "He listens... and never gossips:" Spiritual coping without church support among older, predominantly African-American caregivers of persons wtih HIV
Poindexter, Cynthia Cannon; Links, Nathan L.; & Warner, R. Stephen, 40, 3, 230-243
- The religious right and anti-semitism
Smith, Tom W., 40, 3, 244-258
- Does religion matter in contraceptive use among Ghanian women?
Addai, Isaac, 40, 3, 259-277
1999, Volume 40, Number 4
- Significnt research: When information has impact
Dudley, Carl S., 40, 4, 293-306
- Social support and compensating differentials in the ministry: Gender differences in two Protestant denominations
McDuff, Elaine M., & Mueller, Charles W., 40, 4, 307-330
- Work-related predictors of physical symptomatology and emotional well-being among clergy and spouses
Blanton, Priscilla W., & Morris, M. Lane, 40, 4, 331-348
- Dimension of religious free exercise: Abstract beliefs and concrete applications
Jelen, Ted G., 40, 4, 349-358
- Poverty and prayer: Spiritual narratives of elderly African-American women
Black, Helen K., 40, 4, 359-374
1999, Volume 41, Number 1
- Denominational and racial/ethnic differences in fatalism
Cardell Jacobsen, 41, 1, 9-20
- Internal political fallout from the emergence of an immigrant majority: The impact of the transformation of Seventh Day Adventism in metropolitan New York
Ron Lawson, 41, 1, 21-47
- A time for every purpose under heaven: Updating and extending Blizzard's survey on clergy time allocation
Sandi Brunnette-Hill, and Roger Finke, 41, 1, 48-64
- The personality profile of Roman Catholic parochial secular priests in England and Wales
Stephen H. Louden and Leslie J. Francis, 41, 1, 65-79
- Role ambiguity among Protestant clergy: Consequences of the 'activated laity'
Susan C. Monahan, 41, 1, 80-95
- Evaluation of the legitimacy of conversion as a function of the five signs of Mark 16
Ralph Hood, 41, 1, 96-109
- Youth religious commitment over time: A longitudinal study of retention
Roger Dudley, 41, 1, 110-121
- Measuring church attendance: A further look
John P. Marcum, 41, 1, 122-130.
2000, Volume 41, Number 2
- On boundaries, gates, and circulating saints: A longitudinal look at loyalty and loss
Reginald W. Bibby, 41, 2, 149-164
- The churching of colonial Connecticut: A case study
Brooks B. Hull and Gerald F. Morgan, 41, 2, 165-183
- Special Section: Religious Organizational Identity and Homosexual Ordination: A Case Study of the Presbyterian Church, USA
- Introduction: The debate over homosexual ordination: Subcultural identity theory in American Religious Organizations
James K. Wellman, Jr., 41, 2, 184-206
- The Presbyterian "fidelity and chastity" competition as loyalist victory
William J. Weston, 41, 2, 207-222
- Biblical interpretation regarding homosexuality in the recent history of hte Presbyterian Church, USA
Jack Rogers, 41, 2, 223-238
- Making theology matter: Power, polity and the theological debate over homosexual ordination in the Presbyterian Church, USA
Fred W. Beuttler, 41, 2, 239-261
- Framing the homosexuality debate theologically: A study of the Presbyterian Church, USA
John P. Burgess, 41, 2, 262-274
2000, Volume 41, Number 3
- Religious effects: In praise of "Idealistic humbug"
Rodney Stark, 41, 3, 289-310
- Educational "preference" of German Protestants and Catholics: The politics behind educational specialization
George Becker, 41, 3, 311-327
- Religious affiliation and sexual initiation among Ghanian women
Isaac Addai, 41, 3, 328-343
- "That they be keepers of the home": The effect of conservative religion on early and late transitions into housewifery
Darren E. Sherkat, 41, 3, 344-348
- Orthodoxy and political behavior in postcommunist Russia
Stephen White and Ian McAllister, 41, 3, 349-372
- Explaining the relationship between Christian religion and anti-Semitism in the Netherlands
Ruben Konig, Rob Eisinga, and Peer Scheepers, 41, 3, 373-393
- Denominational differences in the attachment to Israel of American Jews
Harriet Hartman and Moshe Hartman, 41, 3, 394-417
2000, Volume 41, Number 4
- Dilemmas of language in immigrant congregations: The tie that binds or the tower of Babel?
Helen Rose Ebaugh & Janet Saltzman Chafetz, 41, 4, 432-452
- De facto congregationalism and socioeconomic mobility in Laotian and Vietnamese immigrant communities: A study of religious institutions and economic change
Carl L. Bankston III, and Min Zhou, 41, 4, 453-470
- Religious intermarriage in Dublin: The importance of status boundaries between religous groups
Richard O'Leary, 41, 4, 471-487
- Religion and problem gambling in the U.S.
John P. Hoffman, 41, 4, 488-509
- Negative interaction in the church: Insights from focus groups with older adults
N. Krause, L. M. Chatters, T. Meltzer, & D. L. Morgan, 41, 4, 510-533
- Religiosity and honesty: Continuing the search for the consequential dimension
R. D. Perrin, 41, 4, 534-544
- Generational differences in the determinants of religious giving
C. E. Zech, 41, 4, 545-559
2000, Volume 42, Number 1
- Going to hell in Asia: The relationship between risk and religion in a cross-cultural setting
Miller, A. S., 42, 1, 5-18
- The decline of a new Christian right social movement organization: Opportunities and constraints
Bates, V. L., 42, 1, 19-40
- Power in the margins: Gendered organizational effects on religious activism
Stalp, M., & Winders, B., 42, 1, 41-60
- To run and now be weary: Spirituality and women's activism
Faver, C. A., 42, 1, 61-78
- Did circuits courts of appeals judges overcome their own religions in cases in volving religious liberties? 1970-1990
Yarnold, B. M., 42, 1, 79-86
- Religious priorities and attitudes toward church and state
Jelen, T. G., 42, 1, 87-95
- Congregations, local knowledge, and devolution
Farmsley, A. E. II, 42, 1, 96-110
2000, Volume 42, Number 2
- Catholic religious vocations: Decline and revival
Stark, R., & Finke, R., 42, 2, 125-145
- American Catholics: One church, two cultures?
Pogorelc, A. J., & Davidson, J. D., 42, 2, 146-158
- Religion and environmental issues within Anglo-American democracies
Hayes, B. C., & Marangudakis, M., 42, 2, 159-174
- Naked public square or crumbling wall of separation? Evidence from legislative hearings in Wisconsin
Yamane, D., 42, 2, 175-192
- Marital and family orientations among highly religious young adults: Comparing Latter-day Saints with traditional Christians
Carroll, J. S., Linford, S. T., Holman, T. B., & Busby, D. M., 42, 2, 193-205
- Social context and the Presbyterian gay/lesbian debate: Testing open-systems theory
Koch, J. R., & Curry, E. W., 42, 2, 206-215
2001, Volume 42, Number 3
- Religious seeking among affiliates and non-affiliates: Do mental and physical health problems spur religious coping?
Ferraro, K., & Kelley-Moore, J. A., 42, 3, 229-251
- Religion and the process of forgiveness in late life
Krause, N., & Ingersoll-Dayton, B., 42, 3, 252-276
- God, love, and health: Findings from a clinical study
Levin, J., 42, 3, 277-293
- Do bishops matter? A cross-sectional study of ordinations to the U.S. Catholic Diocesan Priesthood
Yuengert, A., 42, 3, 295-312
- The effect of life cycle and parishioner perceptions on average household giving in Catholic parishes
Miller, R. J., Parfet, R. A., & Zech, C., 42, 3, 313-331
- Book Review Symposium: Three reviews of R. Stark and R. Finke's Acts of faith: Explaining the human side of religion. Reviews by Carl Bankston III, Thomas Robbins, and John Wilson. 42, 3, 332-339
2001, Volume 42, Number 4
- Religion makes the difference: Why Christian right candidates run for school board
M. Deckman, 42, 4, 349-371
- Jehovah's Witnesses and child custody casese in the United Staets, 1996-1998
C. R. Wah, 42, 4, 372-386
- The sanctification of nature and theological conservatism: A study of opposing religious correlates of environmentalism
N. Tarakeshwar, A. B. Swank, K. I. Pargament, & A. Mahoney, 42, 4, 387-404
- Clergywomen in the Church of England and the gender inclusive language debate
M. Robbins, 42, 4, 405-414
- The influence of pastor status and sex on evaluations of sermons
K. Maybury & S. Chickering, 42, 4, 415-424
- Books reviewed in this issue:
- Boundaries of faith: Geographical perspectives on religious fundamentalism, by Stump, reviewed by Beyer
- Filled with spirit and power, by Olson, reviewed by Tamney
- Prayers in the precincts: The Christian right in the 1998 elections, edited by Green, Rozell & Wilcox, reviewed by Deckman
- Seventh-day Adventism in crisis: Gender and sectarian change in an emerging religion, by Vance, reviewed by Lawson
- And I will dwell in their midst: Orthodox Jews in suburbia, by Diamond, reviewed by Winter
2001, Volume 43, Number 1
- Clergy women's world: Musings of a fox
E. C. Lehman, Jr., 43, 1, 5-13
- The feminine personality profile of male Anglican clergy in Britain and Ireland: A study employing the Eysenck personality profiler
L. J. Francis, S. H. Jones, C. J. Jackson, & M. Robbins, 43, 1, 14-23
- Cults and sects and doomsday groups, oh my: Media treatment of religion on the even of the millennium
H. Hill, J. Hickman, & J. McLendon, 43, 1, 24-38
- Religion, family and ritual: The production of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered outsiders-within
R. F. Oswald, 43, 1, 39-51
- The promise keepers: Religious revival or third wave of the religious right?
S. F. Everton, 43, 1, 51-69
- Moving from sect to church: Variations in views regarding sanctification among Wesleyan/Holiness clergy
J. Stockard, S. C. Stanley, & B. Johnson, 43, 1, 70-92
Book Reviews
- Seeker churches: Pormoting traditional religion in a non-traditional way, by Sargent, reviewed by Perrin
- Decent and in order: Conflict, Christianity, and polity in a Presbyterian congregation, by Stockton, reviewed by Wellman, Jr.
2002, Volume 43, Number 3
- Fundamentalism in the contemporary U.S. Baha'i community
J.R.I. Cole, 43, 3, 195-217
- A dynamic model of church growth and its application to contemporary revivals
J. Haward, 43, 3, 218-241
- Religiosity and prejudice against ethnic movements in Europe: Cross-national tests on a controversial relationship
Scheepers, P., Gijsberts, M., & Hello, E., 43, 3, 242-265
- Techno-Armageddon: The millennia Christian response to Y2K
A.H. Tapia, 43, 3, 266-286
2002, Volume 43, Number 4
- Characteristics of religious life in South Korea: A sociological survey
A.E. Kim, 43, 4, 291-310
- Rationality, choice and the religious economy: The problem of belief
C. Bankston III, 43, 4, 311-325
- Making sense of a "religious" university: Faculty adaptations and opinions at Brigham Young, Baylor, Notre Dame, and Boston College
Lyon, L., Beaty, M., & Mixon, S.L., 43, 4, 326-348
- Intentional change and the maintenance of mission: The impact of adult education programs on school mission at two evangelical colleges
R.W. Flory, 43, 4, 349-368
Book Reviews in this issue:
- A spiritual home: Life in British and American reformed congregations, 1830-1915, by Cashdollar, reviewed by Stephens
- A comparative sociology of world religions: Virtuosos, priests, and popular religion, by Sharot, reviewed by Beyer
- The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism, by Weber & Kalberg (Trans.), reviewed by Becker
2002, Volume 44, Number 1
- 10,001 Congregations: H. Paul Douglass, strictness, and electric guitars
D.A. Roozen, 44, 1, 5-21
- National religious context and familial religiosity within a Jewish framework
Lazerwitz, B., & Tabory, E., 44, 1, 22-37
- Consistency and importance of Jewish identity and one's own or one's child's intermarriage
J.A. Winter, 44, 1, 38-57
- Prayer and relationship with God II: Replication and extension of relational prayer model
E.J. Baesler, 44, 1, 58-67
- Faith narratives of congregants and their families
D.R. Garland, 44,1 68-92
Book Reviews in this issue:
- One true God: Historical consequences of Monotheism, by Stark, reviewed by Robbins
- The voices of Morebath: Reformation and rebellion in an English village, by Duffy, reviewed by Dulfer
2002, Volume 44, Number 2
- Religion and community among the elderly: The relationship between teh religious and secular characteristics of their social networks
W. A. McIntosh, D. Sykes & K. S. Kubena, 44, 2, 109-125.
- Exploring race differences in a comprehensive battery of church-based social support measures
N. Krause, 44, 2, 126-149.
- "Good" jobs and "bad" jobs: Differences in the clergy employment relationship
C. W. Mueller & E. M. McDuff, 44, 2, 150-169.
- Assessing ministerial job satisfaction: The reliability of the Revised MJSS among male Anglican clergy
D. W. Turton & L. J. Francis, 44, 2, 169-172.
- Christin right as civil right: Covenant marriage and a kinder, gentler, moral conservatism
S. L. Feld, K. B. Rosier, & A. Manning, 44, 2, 173-182.
- Religion without a net: Strictness in the religious practices of west coast urban liberal Christian congregations
J. Wellman, 44, 2, 184-199.
Book Reviews in this issue:
- Pentecostalism: The world their parish, by Martin, reviewed by Stark
- The daeth of American anti-Semitism, by Blakeslee, reviewed by Winter
- The stranger next door: The story of a small community's battle over sex, faith and civil rights, by Stein, reviewed by Johnson
- Personal knowledge and beyond: Reshaping the ethnography of religion, edited by Spickard, Landres & McGuire, reviewed by Ratcliff
- Webs of reality: Social perspectives on science and religion, by Stahl, Campbell, Petry & Diver, reviewed by Stenmark
2002, Volume 44, Number 3
Religious and Spiritual Development: Special Issue
C. J. Boyatzis, 44, 3, 213-219.
- Religion and the sanctification of family relationships
A. Mahoney, K. I. Pargament, A. Murray-Swank, & N. Murray-Swank, 44, 3, 220-236.
- Fathering for eternity: Genreative spirituality in Latter-day Saint fathers of children with special needs
D. C. Dollahite, 44, 3, 237-251.
- Parent-child communication about religion: Survey and diary data on unilateral transmission and bi=directional reciprocity styles
C. J. Boyatzis & D. L. Janicki, 44, 3, 252-270.
- Religious involvement and developmental resourcesin youth
L. M. Wagener, J. L. Furrow, P. E. King, N. Leffert, & P. Benson, 44, 3, 271-284.
- Love of God and neighbor: Religion and volunteer service among college students
E. Weiss Ozorak, 44, 3, 285-299.
- Anthropomorphism or preparedness? Exploring children's God concepts
J. L. Barrett & R. A. Richert, 44, 3, 300-312.
Denominational Research Notes:
- Youth ministry in the archdiocesse of Detroit, by Office of Pastoral Resources and Research, Archdiocese of Detroit
- Devotional practices in Catholic parishes, by OFfice for Research and Planning, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Book Reviews in This Issue
- When the members are the missionaries, by Schwab, reviewed by Fenton
- Jewish baby boomers: A communal perspective, by Waxman, reviewed by Winter
2003, Volume 44, Number 4
- From religious markets to religious communities: Contrasting implications for applied research
D. P. Johnson, 44, 4, 325-340.
- Buddhism, hospice and the American way of dying
K. Garces-Foley, 44, 4, 341-353
- Women's status in Eastern NRMs
S. Fuller & J. L. Martin, 44, 4, 354-369
- The relation of religious affiliation, service attendance, and other factors to homophobic attitudes among university students
B. Finlay & C. S. Walther, 44, 4, 370-393
- Religion and positive adolescent outcomes: A review of research and theory
M. D. Regnerus, 44, 4, 394-413
- Research Note: Religious participation and parental moral expectations and supervision of American youth
C. Smith, 44, 4, 414-424
- Denominational Research Notes
- Peacemaking, international conflict, and related issues: The May 2002 Presbyterian panel survey
Research services, Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Women's path into ministry: Six major studies
Pulpit & Pew: Research on pastoral leadership
- Lay preaching in the Diocese of Great Fall-Billings, Montana
Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
- Book Reviews
- The invention of religion: Rethinking belief in politics and history, by D. R. Peterson & D. R. Walhoff, eds., reviewed by Montgomery
- Public religion and urban transformation, by L. Livezey (ed.), reviewed by Williams
- Sociology of religion: Contemporary Developments, by K. Christiano, W. H. Swatos, Jr., & P. Kivisto, reviewed by Johnson
- Hidden Heritage: The legacy of teh crypto-Jews, by J. L. Jacobs, reviewed by Glazier
- Surviving diversity: Religion and democratic citizenship, by J. Spinner-Halev, reviewed by Yamane
- Young Catholics at the new millennium, by Fulton, Abela, Borowik, Dowling, Marler, & Tomasi, reviewed by Pogorelc
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